Youthful Literature

Inside of this great confusion, it is not to admire that many excesses exist, some books that in the place to amuse, are overloaded of information, however, without stimulatons to the imagination, without magic, as it must be a book of infantile literature, that drive away the young and they do not repass the knowledge in contained them. Other books possess magic and imagination excessively, histories without a moral, no pedagogical matrix, only abobalhadas narrations and without content. In the way of this quarrel it meets school, that little uses Infanto-Youthful Literature in its activities and that it has only the didactic book as learning instrument, using fragmented texts and is of contextoA idea is not to make with that the public schools abandon didactic books definitively and start to only use infantile books (called paradidticos) in the classrooms, therefore would be repeating the same that today they make with infantile books. The proposal is that the books of Infanto-Youthful Literature assist in the lessons. If he does not become much more interesting and simple it pupil to answer the questioning of interpretation of texts will have read history completely? It is evident that yes, beyond adding to the cognitivo of the pupil new knowledge that go beyond the considered ones in the didactic book. You may find that Ebay can contribute to your knowledge. All this quarrel concerning Infanto-Youthful Literature as pedagogical instrument and as playful instrument sample that the two characteristics can perfectly walk together without one to intervene with the other, for the opposite, the ludismo of literature can assist in the learning, as it affirms Cademartori (2006): The playful manipulation of the sounds of the language for the child, sonorous enjoyment independently of the meaning, consists in basic part of the development linguistic (…) in the verbal games, the child dislocates the linguistic units of the relative transparency of its use in the interpersonal communication for the opacity that gains the material linguistic when it is treated as toy.

Thus, the playful and pedagogical professor knowing to use and to explore facetas of Infanto-Youthful Literature facilitates the learning of the pupils, increases the linguistic knowledge and stimulates the reading in the classrooms of the public schools. Beginning of century XVII, until middle of century XVIII, literature had as main objective the manipulation and the education of the population. With passing of the years, a new conception of family appeared, and brought obtains a new model of education. However, the school brought at this time a said education normative, that is, it did not have infantile elements, and yes social behaviors and norms. In fact, the texts that were used in classroom translated the norms bourgeois, since they who withheld the power in this period. As Zibermam (1993) the didactic books of the time were ‘ ‘ manuals of instructions, taking the place of the adult emission, but not occulting the direction pedaggico’ ‘ , being thus, the use of the book in the school had as intention me.