Of this form, the theoretical referential where seapia this research will not only fall again. The theory of will baseexaminar, also, the concepts of sustainable development of the World-wide Commission on Environment (WCED) defined as that one that ‘ ‘ to procuraatender to the necessities and aspirations gifts without compromising the capacity detambm to take care of to the ones of futuro’ ‘. Beyond other authors adepts Ambient Economy, and philosophy of enterprise management that incorporates the ambient management, associating it with economic objectives, that is, the principal objective to make the economy to grow qualitatively, and noquantitativamente’ ‘. The examination of the Metalic case under the points of view of the duascorrentes of thoughts, ‘ ‘ Traditional economy versus EconomiAmbiental’ ‘ , argued above, it accurately aims at to verify until point asduas theories tends to converge to one another one and new theory, conciliating eharmonizando the positive points of each one of them. At last, the inquiry will be developed in puramenteterico and empirical level, whose main methodology will be the estudobibliogrfico. Using still the use of the publication dapesquisa carried through by the BNDES in 1998, concerning the market of ‘ ‘ EmbalagensMetlicas for Bebidas’ ‘ 1 and of ‘ ‘ Magazine Metallurgy deMatrias’ ‘ 4 intitled of ‘ ‘ Embalagens’ ‘ , inherent statisticians to the subject of this work will be apresentadasas, as well as the pelasquais reasons the cost of the steel cans became inferior the ones of the aluminum cans. The structure of this article meets divididaem four item, namely: The first part will examine the general aspects domercado of metallic packings for drinks in the national context, as well as asvantagens and disadvantages of if using the steel and aluminum in the production of lataspara cooling beers and.