The Touch

The sales results achieved in this single, pushed the entire disk out? Within me is a song repertoire than the first select, along with I am not guilty, and most of the remaining conditional songs helped us get where we wanted to clarify to go. – And now, I am not guilty, is a bit like the story is from “Inside of me,” was that the intention? Well, we decided to give that continuity during the recording of the two video clips in Havana because I loved the idea of Rubendario to give continuity to the story of “within me” but they are different stories fit together easily with the touch of that “within me” is a song that is primarily a love story at night, fleeting love, love, passion and timely one night, as opposed to “I’m not the culprit “is a story much more mature, deeper, less superficial, in which there is a love triangle in which one neglects his partner and this begins a new relationship with a third person, something very usual nowadays. – Go, cry, make me eat and I am not guilty, are issues being rather than orders, did you think that these issues would be the most orders? The truth is that no, I love all the songs, I have no special above the others because all were elected by the feelings I got when you hear them, though the songs were chosen to provide a range of possibilities public who has to decide or accept that kind of song you prefer, but we felt it was important to have variety, have different colors under a same union that is the Latin pop and we were not afraid to merge with other genres such as funk, r & b, latin or house. .