For this reason it is best both for suspensions and for your integrity not to use more than half of the piano already this quite worn of passing cars and motorcycles and no danger of loss of adhesion. Then comes a curve on the left uphill. Logically as all upstream stretch, while less time afternoon open gas better since otherwise the bike can slow down but eye, must place the bike very well for next right curve which is the curve probably most fun circuit. It is a curve in which staying long inclined and where a good step by curve is very important for the Cronus but here many pilots tend to make the same mistake. They are generally open gas too soon and leaving open too far.
They must then return to cut or maintain gas and not open until they see no output. At the point where you believe that you must open gas has up to two and accelerates. I really like you don’t have to cut gas to exit and leave with progressive traction. The following is the braking more difficult on the circuit. Spend from 5th to 2nd or 1st depending on the bike and the development that you carry. Strong braking that you take out of the circuit towards the loophole and where does cost get the motorbike. It is another point where you must open gas at the right point but you should not hesitation since behind have the part more rapi da circuit.
A straight line is where followed a chicane instead of flush you should do almost without cutting or keeping the gas to facilitate change. Watch out the reference at this point since of being wrong can lead us to get out of the track. A trick that is used with 1000 bikes is entering 5th. This will make transfer of masses is less and facilitate the change of direction of the bike.