This program does not only imply to study a race, but many of them have traveled to realise enterprise practices. We are thus them preparing so that they can be more near the professional and labor market. We are convinced that the internationalization abre the mind, it indicates Race, the students, to be able to take advantage of this vision the COMPLEXION in the classrooms, must learn to forget. Now the COMPLEXION is interested in seeing which are the educative tendencies and realities in other interesting destinies like India or China. There is no olvidarcomoit indicates Race, that the challenge greater than crosses a regional university is to understand the culture of each country and its own needs to elaborate contents and methodologies that generate value and satisfy to the companies the challenge greater than it crosses a regional university is to understand the culture of each country and its own needs to elaborate contents and methodologies that generate value and satisfy Of course to the companies in this penetration of conquest of new markets, the guaranteed Complexion this besides its academic experience, of the use of different methodologies from study like the elaboration of projects, illustrative analyses of cases, factories, videos, constructivist method on the basis of the experience of the executives. It counts besides a technological platform that allows the companies to dictate classes within the computers of its own organizations, as it can be a supermarket or a bank.
Of that way they reduce costs; they offer to the design and the contents according to the needs of each company. Soon it shows as it Race is in march the Ilumnate, that allows 20 people to be at the same time connected and to share a file of power point or pdf. This reduces to costs and times, as well as the distance. Also we have virtual education, but in any case always we emphasized that it is important to have a part of actual contact to humanize the education. The technologies do not go single. Definitively, the ITESM is an example as case of study of how markets are conquered in which to education one talks about.