Made to the organization’s charter corrective changes, as well as a new edition respective statutes come into effect for third persons from the moment of their officially registered. In some cases, changes to the charter entity acquire legal force for third parties from the moment the authority which carried out state registration shall be made notified. 2. Amendments to the charter of a limited liability company Changes in the founding document of a limited liability recorded on the results of the general solutions Meeting of all participants. These changes must necessarily be registered. Just as in the example of joint-stock companies, the changes are placed in the charter of a limited liability company, becoming legal for third parties at a time when there was their official registration. Excluded from the rules of the cases established by the Federal W-dimensional “On Limited Liability Companies 14 – FZ.
For these cases defining moment is notified body that conducted state registration. Some situations entail the appearance of changes in the content of the charter of a limited liability company. They they are associated with an increase in the share capital, these are the cases: using the property of the society, additional contributions by the parties or (in the case where this possibility is stipulated by the charter), or through contribution of the third those who make to society.