Confederation Independent
And it is that CONAE (National Micro-enterprise and Confederation Independent), CONAE Castille-La Mancha (Supervisory Regional) and FRACAMAN (Regional Federation of Craftsmen of Castille-La Mancha) received three plates by the given aid to the union of the craftsmen of this Community. In representation to the National Employer’s association it attended its President, Salvador Garci’a Torrico, who took advantage of the occasion to approach all the industralists who with their daily effort reach their professional goals, since is the green buds that will remove from the crisis to us. In our country it has around 15,000 companies of crafts and in the majority of the cases one is micro-enterprises. The President of CONAE aimed that the Spanish crafts is synonymous of quality abroad and represents in addition 0.3% to the Spanish GIP . On the other hand, Miguel Muoz, as President of CONAE Castila La Mancha was thankful for the award, explaining the importance of the independent industralist, since esteem that represents more of 50% of the sector craftsman. It added that the micro-enterprises occur mainly in sectors of the wood, the ceramics and the metal and the orders constitute their form of sale more used. FRACAMAN counted on the representation of their President, Perea Robert, who did not doubt in to be thankful for the effort to the craftsmen, when arranging many of them this occupation with other labor or enterprise activities.
After the corresponding words it was continued with a press conference for the mass media, that stated the importance of the craftsmen for being promotional and impelling of the enterprise weave of Castille-La Mancha, as it concluded Salvador Garci’a Torrico. As it broaches of the act, the representatives of CONAE, CONAE Castille-La Mancha and FRACAMAN, they received a honorary plate by its work in the land of the industralist craftsman. Who is CONAE the National Confederation of Independent and Micro-enterprises, constituted on April of 1988, independently are based like an organization without spirit of profit for the defense and support of the workers and the micro-enterprises of all the national territory.