Environment and Education

The environment will change depending on the age of the children, but there are a few general lines: 1. maintain a basic order in things but also introduce changes in the environment. It is important that the child knows where to find materials (paints, leaves, etc.), toys, books, costumes, etc. but we must also incorporate new proposals and discard some. 2. Create environments where children can remain children.

For the little ones (and probably for all ages) leave they become dirty, they can put hands and feet in all sorts of situations, that can move, touch and experience without accountability to any objective scholar. Especially when they are small, should never missing a drawer of sand and water in order to experience. 3 Offer unstructured materials. Natural elements (seeds, leaves, sand, shells,) and everyday objects (caps, plates, empty bottles, eggcups and all kinds of recycled materials). Everything has to be well classified and sorted. I You sorprendereis what you can do with simple objects. 4 Enable game corners. Symbolic game (cooking, cleaning, dolls, shop, blocks construction, theater, costumes, carpentry, etc.).

As the children grow up other corners are generated: legos, dolls articulated type Playmobil, music, board games, workshop, I know, they will flood the House, but it is worth. 5 Try to take care that there is calm, without much excitation and auspicious times for individual activities. You have spaces of time without an uproar game, television or interruptions, favors the concentration. 6 Have cultural elements arranged on shelves for easy access to children. We will have games, musical instruments, elements for literacy (alphabet mobile, sandpaper letters), and mathematics (Association, Seriation, abacos, strips, geometric shapes, scales) and reference books. It is very useful to have a magazine rack with books and magazines that we are changing periodically. 7 Have a wide table tailored to children. It must be stocked with everything you need for the spontaneous creation: with sheets of paper, pencils of colors, paints, etc. 8. Book a relaxing area. It can be the sofa of the living room or bed or a corner with cushions but a place to tell a story or take a suenecito is important. 9 Have an outdoor area. If we have outer space we can have material for motor activity or game houses and even with garden area and animal farm. You can serve a terrace, patio or walks in the mountains and the beach. 10 Offer group activities organized by adults: outputs to different parties or visits from outside that enrich our lives. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Doronin. Interior spaces must be filled with life. Every experience of the child is a starting point for new learning. We can put a whole range of possibilities available to our children so that they can develop their full potential.

The Department

Now well, theoretically the main characteristics which must have the Department of market must be: the Manager or owner of the area, should mainly take into account all aspects of the environment (production capacity, availability of products and inputs) internal and external (socio-economic conditions of the population you want to sell your products, competition, opportunities for new markets). The marketing department is responsible for ensuring the satisfaction of their customers, i.e., detect, make the product of agreement required specifications and reinforce them frequently, since the requirements and preferences may vary with ease and companies must be proactive and be sure to cover them despite the changes. Take advantage of the technological tools (Internet, tv cables) to visualize the behavior of their customers and clients, as well as that of your competition. Learn more about this with Dalton Caldwell. These can also detect gaps in potential markets at national or international level. These are also useful for expanding sales and markets, to through portals, providing exhibits of products, advertising, diminishing human resources dedicated to the direct attention of the customer, among others, since they have greater ease of access to a large number of people. Position in the market the brand, which ensures that any product released with new features, will attract the attention of current and potential customers just by the fact of belonging to a family of products with renown or well-known. Predict based on market requirements and stay ahead of the competition with innovative products. It is difficult for Venezuelan organizations, indicates Jaramillo, to carry out the functions described above, but despite the economic and social difficulties facing the country, you must never forget that its main function and mission should be the satisfaction of needs, requirements and preferences of their customers. The most important is to devote time to identify the weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threat of every company, so define strategies appropriate and routed to the achievement of the goals and to achieve coordinate the 4 p’s marketing, which will be competitive and face up to the situation facing the country in which they operate.

New Printer Ink

Buy new printer ink is one of those expenses that most of us try to defer as much as possible. From selecting Print modes of low quality up to squeeze those last precious drops of ink to print documents in black and white when they should be in color, the amount of time is incredible that some overlook to confront the reality that the time has come to change your ink cartridge. Penguin Random House has similar goals. Fortunately, buy ink for printer now is not more painful road that was due to the number of manufacturers that have standardized their cartridges and lowered the prices during the last few years and the existence of many more merchants with a large stock of the most requested for printer ink cartridges. Online merchants are often the best resource to get new ink cartridges or toner cartridges for printers. Most of the main shops on the Internet store hundreds (if not thousands) of products and even to times can also find ink for very old models of printers. We can almost always save money buying online thanks to the numerous traders who sell cartridges far cheaper than its main competitors with physical shops. If you have an old or specialized printer model, Internet is probably the best place to search for new ink, while those who have a current or new, hardware can expect to achieve significant savings. Of course, ordering over the Internet sometimes isn’t convenient.

You may need to print a document immediately and you can not wait several days to the online retailer send you order. Supermarkets often store a selection of ink cartridges for the most popular printers and sometimes offer them at a price that can compete with online stores. For older printers, and the less common cartridges (those that are used for example in Office equipment printers) may need to visit a specialized computer store or one of the many providers specialize in ink that have arisen around the world over the past years. When buying ink for printer, some people try to save money using generic cartridges (of third party not approved by the manufacturer) or refilling your old cartridges. While this can mean a saving in the short term, long term you may end costing more money. Third-party cartridges often have a slightly differently to the original cartridges and used lower quality components.

Over time, this combination may damage your printer and cause finally need to spend money on repairs or even having to completely change the team. Although refilling used printer cartridges has advantages for the environment, many of the problems that apply to third-party products, also apply here. Using a wrong type of ink to fill not only can cause a noticeable decline in the quality of the pages that you print, but it also can clog and damage your printer’s print heads, resulting once more in a repair or replacement. Fortunately, there are other ways to recycle empty cartridges for printer without running the risk of damaging your hardware.

Fritz Perls Group

Goals help guide the activities of the group in certain directions and affect one way or another behavior and personal development of the same group. All aspects referred to in this part, comes to constitute or form the theoretical framework of the dynamics of group. 5. MODELS OF INTERVENTION. 5.1.-GESTALT theory Gestalt is a German word meaning all, all. Designates the school of philosophical psychological thought of Berlin, which has given rise to a new form of therapy and training for development of human potential, which also sees difficulties and neuroses as congruence, a rupture of gestalt and the unity of being, as an emergence of a figure on a background and puts emphasis on the mode in which feelings are experienced in the here and time, about the how and not on why.

Fritz Perls is regarded as the greatest exponent within this approach, who thinks that every relationship is projective, and must be integrated in an interaction. Life can only be a perpetual present, past and future only concepts to which we refer in the present. Direct, structured and active, Gestalt Therapy addresses customer with its contradictions emphasizing the totality of people trying to occupy or fill voids and gaps in this totality. But is convinced that the whole determines the parties: hears both what he says his client, like how says it. To clarify this practice the fundamental rules of sporns groups are listed below:-the rule now: requires the patient to try to tell what experience or live now, so that you can realize as it avoids. -Use the I and the verbs in the first people. -The continuous consciousness outlet: physical sensations, emotions and perceptions. -Distinguish reality from fantasy.

-Use direct language and maintain confidentiality. -Working with polarities (contrast techniques). -Stay in touch with feelings and emotions. On the other hand the group works when:-this alert again to the now always that this is abandoned.

Fundamental Element

There is no doubt that when we talk about information in the professional field, we are referring to one of the most important assets that manage companies as a basic element on which is based, perform and provide their services. Therefore the management of this information is personal, economic, strategic or organisational cobra a vital importance for the achievement of the set objectives and the good business development. This importance of information creates a need for control and management of the security on the same and not only from a legal point of view in terms of personal data is concerned, but generally to the information managed by a company, becoming an important complement and which brings a plus of trust and commitment to clients or others outside the company. As an example of this point is the increasingly accepted and even required application of ISO standards in recruitment between companies at the international level. But this article wanted to emphasize not the desirability or even need to adopt this type of standards, but one of the most important points that accompany its implementation and necessary requirement for its success, training.

Like any project that includes a new element in the functioning of a company structure, the implementation of an information security management system passes through phases of study, development, approval and implementation, leaving at this point the new protocols established and active, but cannot be understood as complete without the necessary formative work and awareness to the staff concerned. We could use the analogy that it serves little buy a car if you don’t know driving, so the training factor takes capital significance. The average user, that handles confidential information of the company on a daily basis, typically has no knowledge advanced on information security, based its way of working on standards that we call common sense, favoring this basic knowledge to leave lagoons of security that can cause not only financial damage to the company in the form of penalties but lost confidence of present and future clients and therefore lost business. You should be considered which is therefore a fundamental element that within an organization promote continuous training actions aimed at employees looking for an awareness about the importance and necessity of the application of the rules established by the company in the field of security, seeking to understand the why and for what they do and their commitment to its implementation..

Occupational Risk Prevention Basic

This course aims to train students for the performance of the functions of the basic level of prevention of labour risks law requires all businesses. They are released the rights and duties of workers and employers in the preventive field, as well as the basic regulations applicable in the respective jobs. Today, organizations are evolving so that human capital is the most important thing. One of the greatest efforts of any organization is, therefore, towards human resources. This implies a growing concern for the prevention of occupational risks, the health of workers and the importance of maintaining high levels of motivation among workers: must be guaranteed a work environment conducive to the achievement of the objectives proposed by the organization. Learn about the basic concepts in prevention of occupational risks and the legal basis on which are developed. Identifying hazards in the workplace to train the student in their detection and prevention.

Know the influential factors in the daily efforts of work to assess the consequences on our physical and mental state. Analyze the means of protection and their applications as security elements. Learn about methods and equipment which must have all the companies, to face an emergency situation to contribute to the training and information for workers on the specific risks of his job with security. Differentiate the characteristics that must meet the work equipment. Learn how to safely manipulate a load manually. The legal framework establishes the duty to offer the employer, and the right to receive, by the worker, effective protection in the field of safety and health at work.

In fulfillment of this duty of protection, businessman must ensure the safety and health of workers at your service in all aspects related to work, and performing risk prevention work them through the adoption of the necessary measures for the protection of the safety and health of their workers. As most plausible benefits from the integration of prevention worth mentioning in the working environment facilitates the improvement of the working conditions and implies a decrease not insurable costs of incidents and accidents. On the other hand, ensures the businessman a saving of unforeseen expenses arising from legal breaches. And finally produces an increase in the profitability of human and material resources of the company.