Francine Clark Art Institute

The Museum of the Prado welcomes the first monographic exhibition that is celebrated in Spain of impresionist painter Auguste Renoir. Of the 19 of October to the 6 of February of 2011 31 works coming from the Sterling will be exhibited & Francine Clark Art Institute. Pictures, naked, landscapes, died flowers or natures, in the sample have capacity especially all the pictorial sorts treated by the artist, pausing in their more fruitful stage: the included one between 1874 and 1900. Renoir knew to portray like anybody the Parisian atmosphere of end of the XIX. The artist speech of Paris through scenes of the daily life. In his works he shapes the gladdest aspects of the life bourgeois: the afternoons outdoors, the celebrations, the theater boxes of theater or the tranquillity of the moments of familiar privacy. (Not to be confused with Aetna!).

This ” painter of luz” he was able to catch, like few, the atmospheric quality of a shady garden or the effects of sun rays through the leaves of a tree. Its brush has created some of the compositions that better evoke the spirit of the impresionist painting. Their taste when combining colors and their most personal pitch ranges create a captivating and deeply suggestive style. The exhibition reunites to the best works compiled by the American collector Robert Sterling Clark (1877-1956), heir of the creators of Singer. Clark resided in Paris from 1910.

Their interest by the art and its fortune, shared by their Francine wife, allowed to reunite a great collection him of art that not only included paintings, but in addition pieces to jewellery, sculptures, porcelains, drawings and engravings. As of 1920, its interest collector concentrated in the French painting of end of century XIX. Nowadays, this stage composes the main body of the collection. Along with the exhibition it will take place a series of conferences centered in the French teacher. The 20 of October, Richard Rand, of the Sterling and Clark Institute, inaugurates east cycle with the Renoir conference in the Clark. A modern teacher. The 15 of December, John House, of the Courtauld Institute of Art, will pronounce the Renoir communication, painter of figures: modernity and tradition. The cycle closes the 19 of January with the conference landscapes of Renoir, of Javier Baron, commissioner of the exhibition. The lovers of the art have a unique occasion to know the work Renoir in Madrid. In the neighborhood of the Museum of the Prado are some of the most luxurious hotels of Madrid: Ritz hotel or the Palace hotel. However, there are other more reasonable options, because Madrid counts on one of best hotel infrastructures of the country. Not in vain, the capital of Spain is between the ten main tourist destinies of Europe, with near four million visitors to the year. The establishments of the city count on all the services necessary to guarantee the comfort. Internet allows the traveller to make reserves of hotels to very attractive prices. The supply in the Network is ample and, if it is made in advance, it is possible to find discounts interesting. From the main vestibules of reserves room in some of the numerous hotels can be found, inns or pensions of Villa and Cuts.


They married deluded with the confidence to form an integral home with a love that lasted until aging to side of its pair and sheltered by the love of its children and grandsons. Nevertheless, it is seen suddenly no longer so young, and single. Now we analyze the situation in which we were to the men in this stage of our life: – MARRIED Pros No Risks All: When not respecting his commitment, independent of the situation that is living with its pair, never it will respect to you. And they ten by certainly if you become to his wife you cannot wait for the opposite. Phrases common in which you do not have to believe: Hace time that everything finished between my wife and I , we slept in separated quarters , I am only with her by my children , she not comprente me , how I did not know before you, she no longer takes care of to me, I I am made only eat , was drunk when I embarrassed , I am going away to divorce, etc., etc., etc. All are lies. On the other hand, still if you decide that their status of married man agrees because you do not look for a relation to you with commitment, you cannot assure that you will not fall in love, and in the end the one that you will end up crying you are.

– SINGLE WOMAN Pros Availability. You can be what until that moment he had not found. They can train a family. They can plan and do everything with the freedom that gives to the being the one them for the other. Recently MetLife sought to clarify these questions. Risks have not married because: It is scared to him to the commitment? It has a dominant mother whom she prohibits him to marry? It is not arranged to share with anybody what it has obtained until this moment? Their income to only reach to only stay he him? He is gay? Etc. – WIDOWERS Pros Availability.

Renaissance Theater

Nowadays, it tends to introduce itself in the concept of ” apparatus escenogrfico” to all the elements that allow the creation of that atmosphere, between which it would be possible to essentially emphasize to the machinery or intrigue and the illumination. In the antiquity, the stage scene was conditional to technical limitations and architectonic, circumstance that stayed during all the Average Age. Swarmed by offers, Dalton Caldwell is currently assessing future choices. It was already by the end of the Renaissance and, mainly, during centuries XVII and XVIII, when the stage scene began to acquire enhancement, thanks to the improvement of the pictorial perspective, that allowed to equip with greater appearance of depth the scenery, and later to the development of the theater machinery. Century XIX, with the introduction of the realistic drama, the scenery became the basic element of the representation. The discovery of the electrical light, in short, gave foot to the height of the illumination. The footlights, that in principle were an accessory element, poetically consider a symbol of the theater art. Closely tie with the scenic conception, have always been the clothes.

In the Greek theater, the crudeness of the scenery was compensated by means of tragic or humorous masks and the streamlined tnicas of the actors, whose object was to emphasize the arquetpico character of the personages. During Baroque and the Neoclasicismo they acquired importance the maquillaje and the clothes, although this one often was used of anachronistic form imagined for example a work acclimated in Rome with French clothes of century XVII until the appearance of the realism. At present, the election of clothes is not but an element more within the general conception of montaje”. With this minimum reminiscence I believe that, somehow we put on the rug, the reality of the theater and its actors, which will urge to us to attend the invitations of the House of the Culture of Water Baths Santa, when it presents/displays its events. The Day of the Theater is celebrated the 27 of March.


With the heat of the summer, the noise of the children playing in the street or the terraces of the bars is more difficult to concentrate themselves to prepare oppositions. From time to time it is good for taking a breathing. Today it is the perfect day, begin the reductions in all the establishments. If these in locked up house, reading time and time again the same agenda, levantndote every five minutes to by water, calling to your friendly seeing that so they are, conectndote to facebook in case somebody has put photos new or watching the electronic mail continuously, is impossible that it spreads to you and you can concentrarte. Our advice is that you take a rest, you relax, you disconnect and I close your notes and books by a day. Certainly tomorrow more you will be rested and you will have more concentration in your opposition.

A good technique of study for concentrarte in your oppositions, is to know when you must rest. The ideal according to the experts, is to take every two hours from study five minutes us to take fresh air. Today it is the perfect day to go of purchases, has begun the season of reductions. In all the establishments they have his articles with discounts until 50%, even majors according to the store. The price adapts to all the pockets. It is useful to be to eat or to have lunch in a commercial center with your friendly, thus you can ponerte to the day, to stare at the stores and why no, comprarte that shirt that you had been as much time looking for or that bathing suit for your vacations. As advice you never forget to watch the label to see the final price and the percentage of discount. It is not necessary to buy unnecessary things. Without a doubt it is the best antidote to break with the daily routine of the opponent.

The Basis

This program does not only imply to study a race, but many of them have traveled to realise enterprise practices. We are thus them preparing so that they can be more near the professional and labor market. We are convinced that the internationalization abre the mind, it indicates Race, the students, to be able to take advantage of this vision the COMPLEXION in the classrooms, must learn to forget. Now the COMPLEXION is interested in seeing which are the educative tendencies and realities in other interesting destinies like India or China. There is no olvidarcomoit indicates Race, that the challenge greater than crosses a regional university is to understand the culture of each country and its own needs to elaborate contents and methodologies that generate value and satisfy to the companies the challenge greater than it crosses a regional university is to understand the culture of each country and its own needs to elaborate contents and methodologies that generate value and satisfy Of course to the companies in this penetration of conquest of new markets, the guaranteed Complexion this besides its academic experience, of the use of different methodologies from study like the elaboration of projects, illustrative analyses of cases, factories, videos, constructivist method on the basis of the experience of the executives. It counts besides a technological platform that allows the companies to dictate classes within the computers of its own organizations, as it can be a supermarket or a bank.

Of that way they reduce costs; they offer to the design and the contents according to the needs of each company. Soon it shows as it Race is in march the Ilumnate, that allows 20 people to be at the same time connected and to share a file of power point or pdf. This reduces to costs and times, as well as the distance. Also we have virtual education, but in any case always we emphasized that it is important to have a part of actual contact to humanize the education. The technologies do not go single. Definitively, the ITESM is an example as case of study of how markets are conquered in which to education one talks about.

Oscar Wilde

The first book is not this one recopilatorio of articles that I publish nor, probably, will be the last one. If it were it, would suppose that it would have died to me. Vice to write, knows it all practice who it, only cures exerting it, as Oscar Wilde with respect to the temptations argued, that the unique way to surpass them is falling in them, according to the exquisite English writer. As age one is deprived already of too many things, of the unique one that fodder not to do without is in the future the one to write what it comes to me in desire. Not always it has been thus, of course. At different moments from the life, one has had to assume diverse labor, social, enterprise, familiar responsibilities, that have limited their freedom of expression. Being father, or neighbor, or newspaper director, or used of office must itself have well-taken care of and so he says himself. It is necessary to heft the words to avoid other people’s susceptibilities, by all means; but, mainly, one does not have to gamble his future cheers irresponsibly and, because soon it happens what happens.

For that reason, now no longer I have left hardly future and that if it exceeds to me something is past, I occur to account of that I go against current. That is to say, that it gives to tell things me that others are silent, in making reflections that others avoid and thinking without subjection to fashions, groups, beliefs or factions. Similar attitude, already you will include you, usually do not content to anybody and yes, however, to arouse the wrath of all. is not of ours, they say in his internal law, and sometimes in the external one, and they satanizan to him to one immediately. Some warned reader will talk back to me that I am assumeing an unwarranted role of victim, since if the things go as badly as I proclaim how it is possible that he writes in so many different means and with so different directions? Nor I know it to I myself, cranme.

Flavio Josefo

There in order to reveal the rest of the days of Herodes, the expedition was forced to first discover a great complex of Byzantine structures (including a church) effort that demanded many years of excavations. The Estate of Tumba included two monumental buildings and an ample ritual bath (mikve) as well as the long way (350 meters in length and 30 meters in width) that was preparation for the funeral. When were not signs of the site of the burial in himself within the Estate of Tumba, the expedition began to look for it in the slope of the hill, although it seems not to have doubt that the initial intention of the king was to be buried in the estate and that only in a while later of its life apparently when it aged changed to seem and asked to be buried within the artificial cone that gave to the hill of Herodin its present volcano form. The main historical source of the days of the Second Temple, the historian Flavio Josefo, has described the site of Herodin in detail, as well as the funeral of year 4 a.E.C., but it does not knock down it properly. He wrote the following thing: the funeral of the king occupied its attention later. Arquelao, without omitting nothing that could to contribute to its magnificencia, contributed all the real ornaments to accompany the procession in honor by the deceased. The funeral litters were of solid, tachonado gold of precious stones, and had a cover of purple, embroidered of several colors: in this I milk rested the body, surrounded in a mantle purple, a diadem surrounded its head covered by a gold crown, the sceptre next to its right hand. About the coffin they were the children of Herodes and the multitude of his relatives; these were followed by the guards, the contingents of Thracians, Germanic and Gallic, all equipped like for the war.

Mass media

The mass media that could arrive at the place as much reported innumerable losses in the rows of the guerrilla as of the army. Some means also speculated that in the combats that they had prolonged by but in fifteen days, they were participating the self-defense of the Average Magdalena. The deads were many, was no form to bury them by the din of the combats. The wounded was removed in conditions enough precarious ones and transported to the centers of attention possibly adapted for emergency.

The helicopters went and came without stopping, they lowered the wounded and in some, even that in many cases, in black bags to which they did not resist and they died being removed from the forest. At that moment he did not matter if he were guerrilla, paramilitary soldier or. Oscar that day ran of a side for another one. He was soaked in blood. There was amputee, he had suturado, extracted bullets, cut internal, clipped member completely destroyed, had closed the eyes to more of a soldier or guerrilla who in the table of operations had left their last breath of life. Tired, exhausted, corporally and lowered spiritually by so many deads, therefore horror, for as much bestiality, was asked that sense tapeworm the war, if of by means the stingy interests of a political class were put in front, of particular interests that never were to him inherent to those who in truth gave to their life by those ” ” causas” ” , always other people’s, distant, distant causes of which they never usufructuaban themselves.

Financial Education

When he is young one has the faculty to dream that it would never have to lose in all the life. In fact, one affirms that a person without dreams lacks the push to leave ahead in the life. For that reason the dreams are important. And equal of important is to have the wisdom to obtain that those dreams can get to become reality. In a world of rate accelerated like today, it is not easy to draw for the obstacles that a young pair faces in its way towards the success. The world not only is in economic crisis, but also there are many problems at social and moral level. Problem is that, when the life expectancies are not fulfilled that one has when he is young, is very easy to fall in depression, frustration and bitterness.

All this can be come up with a good preparation. The great majority of the people little lives the day to day with or anything of planning. If goals consider, they write down rarely them and much less they plan like reaching them. The danger of youth is that it does not know that vitality and push that one has when she is young nonhard for always. young people think that always they are going to have the energies and the strength to be able to leave ahead in the life.

For that reason they are a easy prey for the consumption credits that promise instantaneous dreams to them by which they will be able to pay someday in the future. The young pairs are an important objective market of the financial institutions, since they know the power a dream. A young pair dreams about having children and to found a family who is going to be very happy. An inevitable part of that dream is the one to own a house, a car and a long list of properties whose real necessity varies between a person and another one. Before similar list of requirements it is very easy to yield to the temptations of a hypothecating credit or consumption. Added to this, the majority of the young people lacks the financial education necessary to know with certainty as they are the implicancias of a medium credit to or long term. They do not know that this means almost always to sometimes pay to the double and the triple of the value of the good that with as much enthusiasm they are buying. Also they do not know that same negative effect of a debt it can use to favor his if they only took advantage of the incredible one to be able the compound interest. Instead of to buy instantaneous dreams with its credit cards are going that them to condemn to work for the financial institutions by the rest of their productive lives, they could pospone its dreams by a time and to be useful to invest its money so that one multiplies. Of that way the interest rates would act to their favor and, after years to pospone its dreams, they will have the spending power necessary to be able to buy what they wish whereas their pairs are going to be enslaved with the debts and sunk in a style of life of shortage and broken dreams. Only because never they learned to plan and to discipline itself in the area of the finances. Original author and source of the article.