Caipora Theater

Luis of the Cascudo Chamber, the folclorista greater of Brazil, born in the Rio Grande of the North, registers that: the myths are of general character. Lobisomem, Mules, Boitats, Curupira I buzzed, It appears in the ways, it asks for tobacco and it torments who does not satisfy it the will, giving assovios fine and long to desnortear the people. (SNOWS, 2000: p. 02). According to Hermilo Borba: ‘ ‘ She is necessary to make infantile theater with wonderful legends of the Caipora, Lobisomem, of the Saci-Perer, Iemanj, to make a characteristically Brazilian theater, giving its popular character, its true carter’ to it; ‘. (CIRANO, 1981: p.75).

Chamber Cascuda and Hermilo Borba if worried about our folklore, with our theater and with our source of imagination, that, by the way, never was poor, we have a rich source of imagination to our reach well. Counted histories for our grandfathers, for our neighbors of third age, that in count facts to them lived for our ancestral ones, or myths and legends to enchant or to scare the children, moving with all the imagination of the meninada one. The Theater rescues the enchantment, the magic and the fancy. The example, ours so famous Ox Bumb, right-hander of the folclrica research for the teatral scene, worked of primorosa and charming form, bringing to the reach of our public (in the streets, squares and schools) the spectacle. Let us see the first spectacle: ‘ ‘ Catirina the pidideira woman and the ox Bumb’ ‘ that it serves to demonstrate a little of this universe. Adapted and directed for Josimar Alves*3, recriando personages and situations of our Brazilian myth, spectacle takes in them to the imaginary and magical world of Catirina. The spectacle counts the history of an pregnant woman (Catirina) that it desires to eat the language of premiadssimo ox of the farm where works its husband (Mateus), that exactly dying of fear of the master, it cuts the language of the ox and takes pra that Catirina can saciar the desire and does not abort the child.

Federal Law

Thus, to possess a housing represents the dimension of the power, and its planning implies the attempt to establish a programmed daily life. In such a way, it is excellent to understand the paper of the urban politics, that has in the attendance or not of the demand an instrument important politician for the accomplishment of the social functions of the city, that is the Statute of the Cities. 2. STATUTE OF the CITY AND ITS FUNCTIONS the Statute of the City is the Federal Law of number 10,257 of 10 of July of 2001, that it has as objective prescribed the instruments of urban politics, where the same ones must be applied by the Union, State and Cities, which of the general orientaes for the planning and the development of the cities, having as lines of direction the right the land, house, transport, attendance of the public service, work and even though leisure, that is, consequently guarantees well-being and quality of life to its inhabitants and the right to the housing. The Statute of the City is based on art.

182, that she deals with the Politics of urban development, executed for the public power and art.183, person in charge for the constitution to define what she means to fulfill the social function of the city and the urban property. The Statute is divided in five chapters: The General Lines of direction, (chapter I articles 1 3), have as objective to guarantee the support right-hander as the right to the urban land, the housing, the ambient sanitation, the urban infrastructure, the transport and the leisure. The Instruments of Urban Politics (chapter II, articles 4 the 38), are related to the existing instruments already and with effective application and others that are new, as for example, the managing plan, discipline of the parcelamento, the use and the occupation of the ground, zoning ambient, plain plurianual, participativa budgetary management, budgetary lines of direction and annual budget, etc. .

Social Assistants

It is a multiprofessional work that takes to the beneficiaries of the works the true one to play of what it determines the program. The Social Service, inside of this institution of health, brings to tona proposals of renewal, as much of the aspect of health of the individual, as well as structural-organizativo, therefore it rehabilitates its reinsero the same to salutar in the society. The professional articulates the Politics of Health with excessively the Public Politics in order to make possible with bigger effectiveness the relation of the right to all the social minimums that are guaranteed to all the population (chapter II, article 6 of the Constitution of 1988). Inside of this thematic one, we relate these guarantees with the fight stopped for the professionals with the end of the thought of that everything what it makes the Assistant Social it is through the charity and, bringing this for the field of the health, the Law n 8.080/90? Organic law of the Health tells in its article 2 that the health is one ' ' direito' ' basic of the human being, having the State to provide the indispensable conditions to its full exercise. This makes with that the right is exerted by the State and we, professionals, to establish forms of opening and ingression to all the politics. Relating the right of the citizen to the health and the question of the information to about the work of the Social Assistant, we see in the pertinent legislaes to the profession devices that regulate this act. For even more details, read what Barclays says on the issue. Observed in the Code of Professional Ethics of the Social Assistants of 13 of March of 1993, in its heading III, chapter I, article 5, the following devices: f) to supply to the using population, when requested concernentes information to the work developed for the Social Service and its conclusions, protecting the secrecy professional; h) to clarify to users, when initiating the work, on its objectives and the amplitude of its performance.

Marxist Professional

However, this scene alone will be modified from the Movement of Reconceituao, when the professional takes as the object to breach with this alienation fights, searching a critical formation and politics, when reformulating its bases theoretician-metodolgicas. However the Movement of Reconceituao of the Social Service was an intention of rupture with the Marxist tradition, that it aimed at systemize the Curricular line of direction in the professional formation of the Social Assistant in Brazil, revising the Code of Ethics and to formulate the Project Ethical politician of the profession. The paper is concluded that the Social Assistant has that to play she is to formulate action and strategies that answer with agility and quality the demands imposed for the profession. The practical professional alone finds objective when the social assistant if subsidizes for the critical theory and if she leans over on an ample fan of subject as the programs, projects implantation of social politics etc. Therefore the Social Service has that to develop research and action on the Brazilian population where the majority does not participate of benefits and programs. It is necessary to investigate the bilges of the society, demanding a politics form that tries to brighten up the social phenomena.

2,1 SOCIAL MATTER AND SOCIAL SERVICE the social matter has its origin since the end of century XIX, where the capitalist world marked the period with the growth of the unemployment, of the problematic crisis of the economy aggravating the social ones, giving origin to the expressions of the social matter demanding its confrontation. As Cerqueira Son (1982: 21) affirms: ' ' question social' ' , in the universal direction of the term, we want to mean the set of problems politicians, social and economic who the sprouting of the laboring classroom imposed in the world in the course of the capitalist incorporation. Thus, ' ' question social' ' basically it is tied with the conflict between the capital and the work.