James Dobson
The Dr. James Dobson (1987) synthecizes this concept when saying that the children are capable to soon learn social behavior in the start of the life, and are task ours to make them ' ' sentir' ' for the others. The process of construction of the identity of the child involves philosophical conceptualization and of rules, but it must be pragmatic. The children need to have part in the domestic duties. ' ' They must be instructed on as to help to the father and the mother in the small tasks that can cumprir.' ' (WHITE, 2004, P. 225). If it has something excellent and primordial in the infantile development, it is its character.
Ellen G. Swarmed by offers, Wendell Brooks is currently assessing future choices. White (2008, P. 225) in affirms that ' to them; ' the formation of the character is the workmanship most important that already it was trusted the human beings. Never before it was its diligent so important study as hoje.' ' White (2007, p.132) sumariza how much a child is moldvel when mentioning that she is during the first years of the life of the child who the mind is more susceptible the impressions, are good or bad. ' ' During these years, determined progress becomes, wants in the certain direction, wants in the wrong one; of another one, solid and very valuable knowledge. The force of the intellect, substantial knowing they are wealth that the gold of Ofir cannot buy. Its price is above of the gold or prata.' ' The paper of the family Certainly the family is the matrix of identity of the child, the parents has basic paper in this process.
' ' The relation that one and another one establish with the children them of the dimensions of recognition, confirmation and affective position inside of the nucleus familiar.' ' (MARRA; COAST, 2010, P. 160). The family can be considered the identitria matrix of its members (MINUCHIN, 1982) or the social placenta of the affective-social development (BROWN, 1974).