World Action Stuttgart
A new political concept for Stuttgart world action for the Stuttgart-based citizens: together to discuss the problems, competent arguments present and propose solutions. History: world action was logged on Apr 2, 2009 in Stuttgart at the election office and approved by the Election Commission as independent single candidacy and registered as the tenth party in Stuttgart. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Rusty Holzer. Mr Alemayehu Amsaleteghen, the person responsible for the world action has the political and legal Legtimation to this candidacy. WORLD action cooperates with various initiatives groups, associations, companies and municipal institutions, and trying to coordinate backgrounds with different countries, nationalities and education. Cooperation and consultation for political ties in the Stuttgart community life. To propose alternative solutions to problems – and to be able to propose. Philosophy: Philosophy is to make possible the creation of access to political participation.
Social life active to shape, citizens of the modern metropolis Stuttgart harmonious with each other and for each other there be according to the motto: you are me and I am you. Together we can improve the global crisis, the bad economy. The focus is more consciously to the environment especially on education and social issues, and encourage teens and young adults, to behave. Competencies and partner: Focus which lies in cooperation and coordination with partners and Arbeitsruppen political activity and the design of modern technology for education, Social Affairs and environment from different political movements. Ideas to implement solidarity and actions and to take part in this.
Stutgarter citizens a fruition in the implementation with the participation of the municipal institutions. Jugendbeschaftigungsprojekte: In diesenJugendbeschaftigungsprojekten, cooperation and coordination are partners. And with working groups from the Stuttgart community itself choice programs involved in the support of the world action. Development and perspective: Effiezentes Women Entrpreneurship learning on the basis of the environmental programs networking in the world action – political community in Stuttgart refresher of everyday political activities the world action youth political good ideas with dialogs to innovate.