World Action Stuttgart

A new political concept for Stuttgart world action for the Stuttgart-based citizens: together to discuss the problems, competent arguments present and propose solutions. History: world action was logged on Apr 2, 2009 in Stuttgart at the election office and approved by the Election Commission as independent single candidacy and registered as the tenth party in Stuttgart. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Rusty Holzer. Mr Alemayehu Amsaleteghen, the person responsible for the world action has the political and legal Legtimation to this candidacy. WORLD action cooperates with various initiatives groups, associations, companies and municipal institutions, and trying to coordinate backgrounds with different countries, nationalities and education. Cooperation and consultation for political ties in the Stuttgart community life. To propose alternative solutions to problems – and to be able to propose. Philosophy: Philosophy is to make possible the creation of access to political participation.

Social life active to shape, citizens of the modern metropolis Stuttgart harmonious with each other and for each other there be according to the motto: you are me and I am you. Together we can improve the global crisis, the bad economy. The focus is more consciously to the environment especially on education and social issues, and encourage teens and young adults, to behave. Competencies and partner: Focus which lies in cooperation and coordination with partners and Arbeitsruppen political activity and the design of modern technology for education, Social Affairs and environment from different political movements. Ideas to implement solidarity and actions and to take part in this.

Stutgarter citizens a fruition in the implementation with the participation of the municipal institutions. Jugendbeschaftigungsprojekte: In diesenJugendbeschaftigungsprojekten, cooperation and coordination are partners. And with working groups from the Stuttgart community itself choice programs involved in the support of the world action. Development and perspective: Effiezentes Women Entrpreneurship learning on the basis of the environmental programs networking in the world action – political community in Stuttgart refresher of everyday political activities the world action youth political good ideas with dialogs to innovate.

German Central Institute

This network guarantees the compliance with the criteria. Three years later, the changes that causes the project are evaluated. The daily per capita income of families who were newly recorded in 2007 in the programme, was converted on average at 11.7 euro cents. That is far below the absolute minimum of life of families. Through the project they have almost tripled their income: end of 2009 it amounted to 31.1 cents per capita per day adjusted for inflation. Karg, the families continue to live, but the project is the decisive turning point in their lives. 86 percent can afford now year-round daily three meals.

Independent experts who have evaluated the project, confirm that the families permanently free themselves from poverty. Also, network promoted the education of 21 252 children last year. They learned reading, writing and numeracy in primary schools, which were built and promoted by network. Works to improve the rights of women, the landless families and minorities NETWORK with the leading human rights organizations in the country together. lained all about the problem. 5 673 women and men in rural areas as an observer to the respect for human rights were trained in this way. The many assets in power and many donors and donors have enabled this success”, stresses network staff Dietzel. As shown in the annual report, the spending power amounted to in 2009 over 2.9 million euros. This is the highest amount since the emergence of Bangladesh-solidarity movement 30 years ago.

59.7 percent were invested in the project life enough rice”, 15.9 percent in the education for all children and 5.7 percent in the improvement of the human rights situation. The cost for Administration and communication with the donors was 5.9 percent according to network. The funds come from donations, membership dues and grants from State, Church, and private institutions. The biggest grant donors were the European Union, the German Development Ministry and the British Government. Also in this network has Awarded the seal of donations year by the German Central Institute for social issues”. It stands for a careful use of the donations. The 2009 annual report can be obtained on the Internet at.

Youth Will Help Yourself

Addiction help e.V. offers participation in addiction aid projects the problem is well known: the various associations of addiction self-help groups complain all their difficulties with the integration of already-dependent or addicted teenagers. Binge drinking “among young people, by us on Word 2010 as recommended modeled, dominated for months the media landscape in blasphemous intentions dressed headlines pretend to want to contribute to solving the problem. In fact, involves increases in circulation and rates. In Germany, there are more than 7,000 self-help groups on the topic of alcoholism and addiction, which along with every one, so you can put it lightly depreci, in decades-long structures are frozen. Many years Abstinenzen integrationsunfahrig face the inexhaustible power of youth. Long one speaks a different language. “Einer(m) young people make understand to, he should not consume alcohol more as possible in his life owls to Athens would carry”, or would be so unnecessary as a goiter”…

“A contemptuous laugh would be the result, or the decision to have them no longer all”. To prevent misunderstandings to: self-help groups are essential for securing abstinence. Countless people you have out of the addiction”to a new and unprecedented satisfaction helped. We have made our thoughts: How can open young people the door for motivation, to think about self help, a gap far? The medium of the Internet”took us on the track. “An ideal instrument is about learning the manufacture and design of websites and through participation in TV productions with addiction” deal to. The addiction e.V. Detmold has developed such a concept. The Club was founded by two older men, Peter Korff (58) and Wolfgang Schwalenstocker (65), which have even become addicted after decades of alcohol and after your cessation treatment in various addiction clinics dedicated to the addiction help. Active operate an extensive Internet portal (, addiction help TV with regular video posts to the topic and the solos dark rice addiction, 2 self-help projects where people can work on their projects.