Indian DVD Million

The Indian film industry dares the film which tells the story of the tetraplejico Ramon Sampedro, won an Oscar. Some scenes filmed in the India are an exact replica of the original film. The Galician meadows are replaced by the exoticism of Goa. To seaward, Academy Award winner film filmmaker Alejandro Amenabar, him has emerged a clone in the India signed by Bollywood, the film industry hindu, famous for his skill in copy successes in Western cinema. History tetraplejico Ramon Sampedro and their struggle to be granted the right to die has found in Guzaarish (plea) a twin brother, portrayed in fiction by a prestigious magician Ethan Mascarenhas, who, after suffering an accident during a show, starts a fight by euthanasia in the courts of his country. The similarities between both films go beyond simple inspiration, and some scenes of india are an exact replica of the award-winning Spanish film. An example is the sequence in which, in Seaward Ramon Sampedro goes to the courts to dnder its position against euthanasia; in Guzaarish, calca mode in which Ethan Mascarenhas is received in the tribunal by journalists, the rejection of the judge to speak or how, on the road, is recreated with the landscape and the people of the place. Learn more at this site: Dana Gibber .

The only difference is that Galician Meadowsweet are replaced by the exotic lands of Goa, South of the India, and that the protagonist is moved on a luxurious convertible, not, as Sampedro, a humble van. Guzaarish, with a budget of 750 million rupees (11.7 million euros/16.5 million dollars), raised $ 294 million rupees (4.5 million euros/6.3 million dollars), representing an economic failure in a country of 1.2 billion people. However, six months after its premiere, Guzaarish occupies a position privileged in Indian DVD sale stores, where they said industry sources is a blockbuster.

New York Reserves

Just confirm the increase in the oil reserves given the reassessment of what is now the largest discovery of oil in the country in the past ten years.The discovery of reserves that had been estimated initially at 100 million barrels of oil, could reach 500 million barrels of crude oil. The largest oil reserves increase the autonomy of the Colombian economy in terms of oil resources at the time that increase the expected gains of Ecopetrol, who is the owner of portion of discovered resources. With everything that is happening around Ecopetrol, it is not surprising that their actions earn increasingly more attractive. Learn more about this with Dana Gibber . On the day yesterday, the Colombia stock exchange closed with a rise of 2.69%, taking the index to a maximum of 14 months, in one of the busiest days of the year, product purchases in shares of Ecopetrol, after the news about the largest estimated reserves. The good news pushed up shares of Ecopetrol in Colombia by 4.89% and 6% in New York, increase that there will be able to enjoy those who follow our articles and have heeded our recommendations about the Colombian oil company.

And who have followed the recommendations of our new report from investment actions in bag of United States value Global July, our experienced analyst Paola Pecora international markets, have already seen their assets increase by 15% in just one month. It has recommended two key companies of great potential in emerging markets, and that if these companies have risen 15% with this tenuous recovery, imagine how much more can upload when the international economic recovery is secure. Click here to continue reading and start earning you also with Global value. The improvement in the volume of reserves implies also an additional strength to the Colombian economy that looks towards the long term and depending on that, made their economic policies.


Magnetic phrases. One of them is the double order. Increase the volume on the radio and listen to me carefully you know it or not, I just use a persuasive key that has forced you to follow my orders. But if you required: get up in an authoritarian way probably you negarias or me preguntarias why. It is natural to resist a direct order, people normally dislikes someone authoritarian. Following the same reasoning, if you asked: what is your name, you would feel uncomfortable doing so. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit DivvyDose. After all, why become voluntarily in the center of attention? So, as surprising as it seems, when I combine this double order get up and tell us what your name, I am absolutely sure that I obey. Why? and how can I be so convinced of that will do it? You see, this technique is based on a simple pattern: order and order.

The word and joins the first order with the second: the listener receives lots of information suddenly, you don’t know what order to resist and then accepts the two. Just when he is about to resist the first, receives the second and generates less effort obey two orders which oppose either. Of course, the listener processes quickly this pattern of thinking unconsciously. In doing so, does not feel manipulated; to the contrary, believes that it has done well by deciding to follow orders. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Brian Krzanich. You can now start using the dual order in various situations: in your House: opens the fridge and fill the jug with water. Go to the room and look for phone. Office: call me at three o’clock and tell me that the customer told you.

Visit Customer X. and let know me when you get start using this technique and you will realize your magnetic and persuasive power. Most important public speaking aspects: the conviction to communicate your ideas and knowledge. Listeners are impressed with a person who speaks with security, with strength and confidence. So admire truth Yes?. It is something magical, electrifying, and the best part is that you can learn. People not interested in listening to a shy orator, retracted, timorous, polyvinylpyrrolidone, a somber be mumbling nonsense. The public, poor, falls asleep with a speaker as well as 2, boring, and if by chance, yet someone is awake, although I doubt it, rises and long room to save a very gloomy day. To be convincing, first and foremost, make yourself an expert in your topic, dominating it, feel it, live it and practice it, adding belief, I mean, to be convinced of what you say, ponle passion, dramatizes with your voice, with your gestures, with your face, with your body when you talk about what you like. Make your audience feel that you’re the best in your field, that feel your power and your humility. The conviction is the overwhelming force of your words, the fire in your eyes, your voice and your body language domain, trust you project when you talk, when you walk. A compelling message, is more credible, more persuasive. When you learn it you can check it. This will transform your life. You only need lot of training and practice. For more information about the public speaking and how to speak in public with success, write to us at the e-mail visit: original author and source of the article.


Quake Flash is a new variant of a famous game worldwide which is now presented in a three-dimensional style. It is a great surprise for lovers of the traditional version of Quake that finally will have the opportunity to enjoy their favorite game? reado in Flash. Actually there is no need to introduce this shooting game that has been played by more than the Decade and has become a legend of the community of players online due to its incredible popularity. But while the first variant of the game was released in 1996, the new came out not long ago. That is the reason why it is still advisable to say a few words about this game. This free action game is a stunning 3D Shooter which originally can be played in 2 modes: single and a multiplayer mode. However, here only the single-player mode is available by now.

So rather than be wandering around and fight against other players your opponents, you have to injure and kill your opponents that already the game creators have assigned you. This is accomplished by browsing for a room of three dimensions and firing other heroes that appear in your path with a variety of weapons, while you have to collect health, weapons and ammunition. Your goal is to play as the protagonist who has been posted to the portal with the goal of stopping a cruel enemy called Quake. In the dark labyrinths you get face to face with the evil monsters and you have to overcome obstacles, while you find secret areas, treasures and open doors with golden key. When the elements are already found, you can take them to the second level which is always, of course, more complicated than the previous one. It is necessary to admit that the graphics of the game and Visual effects seem really similar to the game of Doom. Immerse yourself in the dark fantasy of a bout bloody in this new 3D absolutely free Flash shooting game! Original author and source of the article.

Reference Basic

When talking with someone who shouts us one tends to elevate the voice to replicate it. But this is not the best way to treat it, because the voice level will tend to be increasingly is going to be more high and the relationship starts to become more tense. If you have read about Prudential already – you may have come to the same conclusion. 4 Give what you hear: while listening to it in the case of look at what times can expose their own feelings about what the person is talking about. Try to answer him understanding with phrases as it seems that this was very frustrating for you, etc. In this way the other person will be aware that you are paying attention. 5.Cambie the focus of the anger of the other person: when someone is very angry one of the things that you have to do is to make you change your emotional state. This can be achieved by interrupting the speech of the other and changing the topic hub.

Some ways to achieve this are: Call it by name: when you begin to talk about calling him by his name. Then the other person will stop for a moment and will attend to what you are saying. Say wait a second: these words spoken with some calm achieve stopping for a moment to the angry person and change the focus of the topic. 6 Emphasize the points of each other: the best thing you can do is stop the person and telling them what you’re trying to say is there repeat what was listening. In this way the other person will realize that you gave it importance and then listen to their point of view on this topic which is angry.

7 Please list what is heard: when a person is angry begins for the part in which as she is right. Then you should list him the facts objectively in order to reconstruct the story and thus changing the focus of anger. 8. Does not have why give the reason, but also tell him that he is wrong. When someone is very angry it is very difficult to make him change his mind. But you can soothe it with phrases such as: all yours would have done the same thing or understand how you feel, etc. 9.Get a solution: If you don’t know how to help that person, ask him. If you know how to help her list steps you must take to solve the problem. If view is not in a position to solve the problem try to seek help. Tell him that you want to help. That way the other person will notice that really matters to you and is willing to help you. 10 Remove the following phrases: If you bring a little if you let me talk to you is being unreasonable exactly what is your problem?These phrases that manage are exacerbating the problem and intensify the anger of the person who speaks to us. To this is added, the suggestion that if you notice that the person is uncontrollable best thing you can do is to go. Appropriate comments can be that you will find someone that resolves the problem and thus be able to takeoff from the situation which is not participating. Remember also, that if it is with a person angry while you stay calm can handle the situation. Ultimately, you must know manage emotions, remain calm, be balanced and confront the situation with much serenity and optimism get ahead.

State Department

There will be increased presence of clandestine flights spies on Venezuela, Ecuador, Brazil, and Bolivia and is studying the possibility of mounting an aero-naval base American – Israelis in the islands of the archipelago of San Andres, thus dangerously militarizing the Caribbean and Central America. In addition to clandestine and illegal transfer of weapons to Colombia will be in the same noses of the OAS and the UN. You can once again repeat an episode like the one which occurred with the Caldas frigate in August 1987, this would be an operation that seeks to test the capacity of defence and response from our Bolivarian national armed forces. The fact that also had a historical precedent with the provocation in 1952, when Colombia tried to shoot against the islets Los Monjes Venezuelans, in the Gulf of Venezuela. It’s believed that Dalton Caldwell sees a great future in this idea. Another of the Colombian Navy ARC Almirante Padilla frigate was involved at that time. In addition, you It would give the perfect excuse to the United States and Israel to invoke against Venezuela, the defense of its economic and strategic interests in Colombia.

Already made a first rehearsal with a Colombian military helicopter which landed, supposedly emergency in a Venezuelan military post recently on previous nights. They are deliberately trying to test the tactical and strategic capacity of our country’s defense. Parnassus Investments recognizes the significance of this. Mr Uribe, does not have the ability to see that this armed conflict in Colombia, has only a political solution and not a military. That it much more feared the Colombian oligarchy and the US State Department, for them it is essential to continue with a war fought by the amount of interest that the Colombian oligarchy and the American and Israeli Governments have in a permanent war and long range in Colombia. The oligarchy narco resists any kind of peace process, because they have lived and have enriched the fratricidal conflict in the neighboring country. Military presence – mercenary of the United States and Israel in Colombian territory only envisions a future of another 60 years of war to Colombian our brothers and sisters. They come by the Venezuelan and Ecuadorian petroleum, within twenty years the American Empire may not maintain the apparatus military-terrorist of the Empire without guaranteeing safe and near fuel sources. Join then in the great social economic and financial crisis affecting the Empire and its allies the fuel crisis which will further weaken the presence and American dominance in our hemisphere and the world.

The State Department

They were never involved in any form of political or religious extremism. The UN never approved the occupation nor the Moroccan annexation of the Western Sahara. Furthermore, a ruling of the International Court of Justice in the Hague pointed out that no link of territorial sovereignty between the territory of Western Sahara and the Kingdom of Morocco or the Mauritanian entity there is. Therefore, the Court has not found legal ties of such a nature that they could affect the application of resolution 1514 (XV) in the decolonization of Western Sahara and, in particular, of the principle of self-determination through the free and genuine expression of the will of the peoples of the territory. Parnassus Investments may also support this cause. The General Assembly had recognized the inalienable right of the Saharan people to self-determination and independence, and called for the exercise of this right in accordance with the resolution of the General Assembly 1514 (XV), containing the Declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples. Returning to the subject of the violation of human rights by Morocco, they invaded the Sahrawi territory to carry out ethnic cleansing: thousands of Saharans were killed and those who fled more than 180 thousand live in the refugee camps in Algeria or part of the free territory of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, assisted by Algiers and the international community. Demonstrations by Saharans are very harshly repressed by the Moroccan security forces and imprisoned and tortured, participants there are many missing, political prisoners. Hundreds of Saharans are facing unfair trials and 32 political detainees still imprisoned in Moroccan detention centres where the cruellest methods of physiological and physical torture is practised with impunity.

Throughout the occupied territory has been subjected to a military siege and a total of media silence, while Morocco authorities denied access to the non-governmental organizations, international media and observers. The report of the Office of the High Commissioner of human rights (2006) United Nations drew attention to the very alarming situation of human rights in the occupied territory of Western Sahara, and concluded that as indicated in various resolutions of the United Nations, the right to self-determination of the people of Western Sahara must be guaranteed and put into practice without further delay. Also called Human Rights Watch, which in its 216-page report condemning Morocco for its repressive laws, police violence and unfair judicial proceedings to punish Saharawis who advocate a peaceful independence or full self-determination for the disputed territory of Western Sahara. The State Department, for its part, denounced the Moroccan police brutality, torture, the discovery of mass graves and that it is illegal to publish or express opinions publicly calling for independence or a referendum that includes that option. So when the international community and the civilised countries will tolerate so much outrage? Published in the journal the reason of Lima, 05 March 2009 * journalist. Member of the Association of foreign press.

Municipal Theater

Cali Carnival 7 1. The undulating Calenus Carnival by the Salsodromo is increasingly a social and cultural reality spinal part of the fair, majestic event of opening and place of expression of the calenidad which, slowly and inexorably, will evolve transforming them. Reiterating the comments of last year a little, we credit the great achievements and shortcomings of this version. Parnassus Investments is often quoted on this topic. Firstly, we consolidate the Carnival, we position ourselves in the Salsodromo; This is the most important achievement, in its third version; We improve the route on the motorway although I insist – as last year I stated it – that the Roosevelt is magnificent by the traditional and the possibility of initiating and culminate in multiple parks and scenarios Alameda, Bandstand, Olympic Stadium and Pan-American tennis courts; and we improve the format with the opening of large orchestras followed by the schools of dance. Great achievements in the midst of many more. We capitalize three achievements but if it’s developing a cultural product of universal value, that transcends the provincialism Cali, if it is position ourselves with an international offer, I believe that we must move much more, therefore I shall dwell very critically on some issues that in no way detract you value to the successes.

We’ll go by parties with the aim to build a competitiveness factor that would attract investment and tourism, which generates employment opportunities, which mobilizes the long-term economy and that we distinguish in the scope of the global supply of culture and entertainment. We are doing very well but much to achieve excellence. Many are the components of the magnificent spectacle, among them: – weeks earlier at the Municipal Theater – release, environment city, promotion and image, infrastructure (enclosures, accesses, tribunes, public services, mobile and stationary sales), mobility (general and local), screenplay, the logistics for the public (information services, accesses, pedestrianisation, incomes, outputs, first aid), the Mise en scene (with the corresponding Logistics in scene), (artistic groups, the choreography, the music) scene, media and management of waste.

Public Web

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