References ASSIS

The mirror is used in its meaning literal and figurative, displaying the two sides of the man: its real image and its behavior. However, the simple act of ‘ ‘ to dress farda’ ‘ , that is, to adhere integrally to the social paper, it possesss its exotic character. As comparative of the texts, we notice that each author adopted a different look of the human being. While Maupassant covered on males internal, psychological, Axe if saw ahead of a masked man, to the search of the identity. MetLife: the source for more info. The recurrent terror of the Frenchman in them figures a man to the side of madness, titubeando a reasonable explanation to the events and the torment enters to be imprisoned something that feels, but that it does not know if it exists; its heading directs in them to the stranger with surprising outcome. On the other hand, it has the being that it sketches a thesis on interiorizar the image that the other people make of us, becoming it its scientific experiment: a time that in we feel part to them of what we are not in essence, we run the risk to attract it with us and to construct a false personality. References ASSIS, Axe of.

‘ ‘ The mirror sketch of a new theory of the soul humana’ ‘.. Hear other arguments on the topic with Jayme Albin .

Youthful Literature

Inside of this great confusion, it is not to admire that many excesses exist, some books that in the place to amuse, are overloaded of information, however, without stimulatons to the imagination, without magic, as it must be a book of infantile literature, that drive away the young and they do not repass the knowledge in contained them. Other books possess magic and imagination excessively, histories without a moral, no pedagogical matrix, only abobalhadas narrations and without content. In the way of this quarrel it meets school, that little uses Infanto-Youthful Literature in its activities and that it has only the didactic book as learning instrument, using fragmented texts and is of contextoA idea is not to make with that the public schools abandon didactic books definitively and start to only use infantile books (called paradidticos) in the classrooms, therefore would be repeating the same that today they make with infantile books. The proposal is that the books of Infanto-Youthful Literature assist in the lessons. If he does not become much more interesting and simple it pupil to answer the questioning of interpretation of texts will have read history completely? It is evident that yes, beyond adding to the cognitivo of the pupil new knowledge that go beyond the considered ones in the didactic book. You may find that Ebay can contribute to your knowledge. All this quarrel concerning Infanto-Youthful Literature as pedagogical instrument and as playful instrument sample that the two characteristics can perfectly walk together without one to intervene with the other, for the opposite, the ludismo of literature can assist in the learning, as it affirms Cademartori (2006): The playful manipulation of the sounds of the language for the child, sonorous enjoyment independently of the meaning, consists in basic part of the development linguistic (…) in the verbal games, the child dislocates the linguistic units of the relative transparency of its use in the interpersonal communication for the opacity that gains the material linguistic when it is treated as toy.

Thus, the playful and pedagogical professor knowing to use and to explore facetas of Infanto-Youthful Literature facilitates the learning of the pupils, increases the linguistic knowledge and stimulates the reading in the classrooms of the public schools. Beginning of century XVII, until middle of century XVIII, literature had as main objective the manipulation and the education of the population. With passing of the years, a new conception of family appeared, and brought obtains a new model of education. However, the school brought at this time a said education normative, that is, it did not have infantile elements, and yes social behaviors and norms. In fact, the texts that were used in classroom translated the norms bourgeois, since they who withheld the power in this period. As Zibermam (1993) the didactic books of the time were ‘ ‘ manuals of instructions, taking the place of the adult emission, but not occulting the direction pedaggico’ ‘ , being thus, the use of the book in the school had as intention me.

Brazilian Twine Academy

Introduction the Brazilian culture mainly has musical characteristics accented, with come rhythms of the African culture, people enslaved and brought for Brazilian lands for the Portuguese, as it detaches the Marli teacher Oliveira de Carvalho, in lecture pronounced in the Unifig, during the Day of Letters 2008. Brazilian Popular Music, is considered one of the richer cultural productions of century XX, being currently exportation product, representing our Country with legitimacy. In Literature, this musicalidade can be appreciated in the Twine productions, where the artists, many poets of the improvisation, speak of the adventures of national heroes, as Lampio, they count histories of the people, the reality, the sufferings and the daily joys. These poets of group of benches or cabinet, as he detaches the presentation of the Brazilian Twine Academy, were people of the people, who if presented in the fairs, showing its vision of the events, by means of the repentes, verbal tradition of recite. Today, as he detaches Joo Gomes de S, this type of literature left of being popular, starting to have metric, style and inserting themselves in the academies of letters and the national artistic productions.

According to Ita-Cultural Encyclopedia, the weakness of the popular fairs in the northeast interior and the reinforcement of the medias of mass had made with that most of the traditional public of the twine if exhausted or lost the interest for it. Meanwhile, the wave of academic studies initiated in the decade of 1970 despertou the interest of the middle class for this literature. The proper expression ' ' literature of cordel' ' , of Iberian origin and that it circulated almost that exclusively in the erudite circles, it was only popularized at this time, when the proper producers of the twine literature had started to use it in place of ' ' folhetos' ' , that it is as they traditionally mentioned it. .

Simply Put – The Own Rhetoric Of Success

How to win people to use rhetoric and convince Paroli offer large mouths, have the laughs on his side and appear weighty matter what it costs teach us modern rhetoric Popes. Everywhere, rhetorical tricks, quick wit techniques are marketed and convey a sense of verbal security and sovereignty. And the reality: platitudes, stilted phrases that we immediately expose. Simply with his new book”Oliver Gross doing something virtually unheard of again. He breaks with the usual methods, tricks, and tools and replacing them with common sense, reason, and the value orientation of the individual. In short: He connects what others separate. The best friend we talk differently.

Just authentic – we even speak. And in the profession or in important situations? Pontificating, schnorkelhaft, as if we were free of ourselves another -. The price we pay for it, is however highly. Everyone knows the situation, that he what says his counterpart,. There is a certain mistrust. Because we have learned – quite unconsciously – the interplay of what and how it is said, in conjunction with the overall appearance to assess and we notice it immediately: you can be never a good of others. Oliver Gross shows you in this book, that the speech, receives its value character and intention of the speaker by its own language, credibility and authenticity. Without manipulation, memorized phrases and rhetorical tricks we reach even our listeners.

He shows us clear and practice-oriented manner, how to find our own way based of our own. This book provides valuable knowledge on how to profitably and authentically engage our own rhetoric. No matter whether in the sales pitch, in a negotiation or a lecture. The reader learns how he can easily master the four tasks of rhetoric, can master easily very rhetoric of four abandoned the he > how he awakens the desire to listen, he wakes, listen to the lust > how he is understood and pictorial language uses, he has made, language pictorial and is understood > how audience better and more sustainable reserve said, can, and keep sustainable better hip listeners > what to do, so that the audience takes what is said and implements, which he said putting listeners, accepts and so must do > why rhetoric is more than just a speech, keep the rhetoric, to a speech only as is, more > how he uses the rhetoric as the school of thought, rhetoric the he as uses, thinking of the school > life be sustainable as rhetoric and successfully change kann.rhetorik and can. successfully transform live be > Oliver Gross just like you said people to win with rhetoric and convince if suddenly everyone listens to and understands 2008 112 pages 1st Edition BusinessVillage, ill. Illustrations ISBN 978-3938358-74-0 21.80 now at Amazon ordering!