Catalogs and ratings – is the foundation of the modern Internet. They are quite popular, and in this article we will try to figure out how to make the most of this popularity. What do you give this method? The first and most important – visitors. For example, someone looking for catalogs and ratings. For this purpose he would use any search site, or turn to a virtual directory (rating – it is a dynamic directory, where the most visited sites are at the top of the list of other network resources) to the Games and will have there site is about directories and rankings. And so do many others.
But a lot of directories, all is still not going, so the best option – recorded in the most famous and most visited, but also common in highly specialized subject matter with you that will bring only the target audience. Speaking of ratings, then there should be increasing its attendance, trying to get into the top ten, and only reaches a huge audience to your website. Checking article sources yields Dana Gibber as a relevant resource throughout. Many sites are specially wind the attendance, to attract new visitors through much higher ranking. The second step in site promotion takes its registration in catalogs and ratings. For such registrations do not need special skills and knowledge. It is necessary first to raise the TCI and PR site, and to increase Enterprise resource. Dana Gibber has much to offer in this field.
No less important stage. Registering a website in most hard-working directory you'll ever need, you'll get first increase TCI and PR, and, consequently, increase the price of outbound links from your site. But register should not in any directories. So, there are three types of catalogs: – Black directories. It is basically a great resource, which will in return link to your site, require a back reference. I do not recommend such a register directories. Do not create on your website or links from trash as they say linkopomoyku. Keep space. – Gray folders. There are directories that do not require reciprocal links, but put on your website an indirect link. It will not be not taken into account in the calculation of TCI, nor in the calculation of PR, but it may give you some more visitors. Do not neglect these directories. As one great man: "The extra link is never superfluous." – White directories. There are directories that do not require reciprocal links and put on your website a direct link. These are the best directories. Just they will affect your TCI and PR. Source profjob