Lauro Matavelli

The concern of the successory process starts to be determinative factor for the progress of the organization. It argues Weil (1999, P. 39), ' ' without a vision of long stated period, and many times without the least to have had physical time to learn the complex and implacable laws of the businesses, the familiar ones finish adopting strategies that compromise the future of empresa' '. In turn, Lodi (1999, P. 7), affirms that: ' ' The founder creates a company from a personal dream and arrives at the end of its life with difficulty of to partilhar its values with second gerao' '. The dreams of the second necessary generation to be product of work of all the involved people. For this, she is necessary that who assumes the command of the family incarnates the traces and the values that the second generation discovers of the first one. The second generation goes to present throughout the years and, mainly, in its process of growth, a series of pertinent questions to the culture and values of the previous generation, that will be able to influence it more than what the complex activities of management.

According to exactly author, valley to remember that one of the peculiarities of the familiar society in Brazil is that the great majority of the founders is immigrant or children of immigrants, what he directly influences in the search of the solidification and duration of the familiar business. With regard to the strategies, for the progress of the organization, Gersick et al., (1997), perceives that, uncovers common interests that join the systems, such as the search for results and growth, common yearning of familiar and enterprise system, the desire of financial balance and to be able and the interest in the return of investments, common to the enterprise system. A familiar company, of average transport, with more than 40 years that gave certain is the Refrigerating Cardinal, with an enviable team. The professional union of the children, continuators of the work of Lauro Matavelli, its founder, Italian immigrant, continued harmonic with administrative, managemental and diligent collaborators of the production. The Cold storage room keeps firm the objective to assure the level of quality of its products. .

' ' With isso' ' , it affirms Robert Matavelli, current leader of the company, ' ' we intend to extend our participation in the market, keeping its image of serious company directed toward the quality and the tradition, but, however, integrated with the trends of mercado' ' (MATAVELLI, 1997, P. 43). CONCLUSION Is perceived that it does not have great difference between not-familiar company of familiar companies, in what says respect to the functional work, searches, marketing or accounting, for example. But in the aspect of the administration, the familiar company requires proper rules that they need to be observed. To institute and to lead a business of competitive and strategical form in the current corporative market are not a very easy task. Challenges and difficulties are common to any company, either it managed by relatives or not. However, the familiar companies present greater complexity in the organizacional management. One of the reasons for this fact is the conflicts lived deeply for these corporations that can happen, for example, due to familiar culture, that is, to the emotional relations between the members of the family in the work environment they can impactar the professional relationship of the same ones. Another preoccupying reason is the fan

Cossacks Klimovsk

Of course, that the magnitude of the local budget is directly proportional to capacity of the district and village administrations of scale to improve and develop the infrastructure of human settlements thus restraining the outflow of population. But what concerns the increase in childbirth, then personally, I always come to mind historical analogies from the past of our country, how long in years and near the military. For example, in Great Domestic, the country is on fire. Hunger, cold, death knocking at every house, and the kids were born. Or, for example, a recent nineties, the war in Chechnya. Chechen refugee camps. For many years, in an open field in tents, and in the families during this time almost one baby a year. I think that does not need more examples that would make sure that the economic well-being of parents can not be a determining factor in the number of children in the family.

There are literally I recently listened to a song I had already forgotten, "Well, well, give me water to drink," meaning that surprised me with its depth of meaning and harmony with the ever present I have a question about a dying village and the forthcoming Cossacks Klimovsk event area on top of the crumbling temple restoration, which is located in the village of nettle. For the ring road, As regards from the past, we met with you neglected corner. Deserted old house, without guilt off, and well below the window From the sky upside down.


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Combat the description of mentalities: superficial and descriptive. B) To tie to study of the daily a explicativas totalities (***) Long duration yes! Inertia, immutability not! To share the shortness with the long duration. Source: CARDOSO, Ciro Flamarion and VAINFAS, Ronaldo (org.) Domnios de Histria: assays of theory and methodology. Rio De Janeiro; Campus, 1997, P. 141-46). (*) (M.V.) Volvelle admits that the analysis of the totality in one or another layer, Popular or the Elite, can become the reducionista historical study. (**) (M.V.) In short, in terms of collective representations, the man can more be evolved of what he assumed himself, considering its capacity.

(***) (M.V.) it is rejected idea of a passivity of the masses conservatives, or receiving the force, to an imposed message. (***) (M.V.) and (1) (J.G.). conjunctural history, that follows a slower rhythm; in depth, a structural history of long duration, that puts in cause the centuries, that is, nouvelle histoire. (2) (J.G.) exactly recognizing that the historiogrfica school the one that if filiava, the School of the Annales, did not give to relevance the biography, it was decided for publishing two books of ample public repercussion: The life of So Lus and another dedicated a San Francisco de Assis. (2) (J.G.) to erect one ‘ ‘ new type of histria’ ‘ come back the research to interdisciplinar, the valuation of exemplary problems, to the rescue of a history of the sensibilidades.

(3) (J.G.) The history of history if does not have to worry only about the professional production, but about all a set of phenomena that constitute the historical culture or, better, historical mentality of a time. FINAL CONSIDERAES Two personalities, two temperaments, two ways of boarding it man, harmonizing itself in a combination that made possible the franqueamento of the borders of history. The most important contribution of both, was to expand the field of history for diverse areas. The territory of history was extended, enclosing unexpected areas of the human behavior, being also associates with other sciences. This contribution to interdisciplinar remained sixty years, a phenomenon without precedents in the history of social sciences for more than. To finish, we are in it I wait of the appearance of 4 generation of the Annales. ‘ ‘ Without the conscience of modernity it would not have more differences and, then, it would not have more history, and until the not-differences, that is, the permanncias, would not be percebidas.’ ‘ (Le Goff) Edusc REFERENCES? Psychoanalysis and history of mentalities? Luiz Carlos Ucha Junqueira Son History? Voltaire Schilling? History of the Mentalities Wikipdia Apostila World-wide Historiogrfica Production Universid UNIVERSE. Salty of Oliveira the Positivismo, the Annales and New History – Angela Birardi, Glucia Rodrigues Castelani, Luiz Fernando B. Belatto () History of the Mentalities and Micron-history? Izac Evangelista ()


Biography of Brgida of the Virgins Pear tree of Alencar Brgida Maria of the Virgins Pear tree of Alencar, caboclo of aboriginal origin Cariri, was adoptive son of Leonel Pear tree of Alencar Waters, perhaps natural son of one of its children, as well as its rsula sister of the Virgins Pear tree of Alencar, who are kidnapped in Juazeiro of the Bahia, for rival bandeirantes, being later married with a Portuguese sertanista of the family Walnut, going to live in Saint Maria of the Boa Vista, in Pernambuco, where vast generation left, whose antecedents lived hinterland of the Cear no longer. Brgida was born in Cabrob in the half of century XVIII and it always lived in the hinterland of the Cariri, in Pernambuco, having been created together with the children and grandsons of the family Alencar, whose part of the family was in the Cear and another one migrou for Cabrob, for 1792 return when the first misunderstandings had occurred. If it does not have to certain who had been its natural parents, but the registers point in direction to deduce that Brgida was a bastard Alencar and that it was incorporated family, lived taking care of of the house and the religious functions of the chapel of Cabrob. She was married a Portuguese helped who it to take care of of catequese of the indians of its tribe, assisting freis and priests who took care of in the chapels of the region. She consists in documents of the churches that Brgida had four children, being that one of its children, Josefa Maria of the Carmo, later wife of the Lieutenant – Martim Colonel of the Agra Coast, founder of Parnamirim. One knows that Brgida did not have knowledge of all the populations that had sprouted in lands of its property, which had been of inheritance for its descendants, also the area of the town of the Bag of the Martinho in which Brgida was only of ticket, in the end of century XVIII, for occasion of missions in Ouricuri, being that the Village of Santana did not arrive to know, therefore already had deceased when was being demarcated the bite for opening of the road what it would be later Leopoldina, that today corresponds the city of Parnamirim.

Peter Burke

This last one takes history if to interest for the symbolic and cultural aspects of the society. What the exhaustion is verified and of explanations offered for globalizantes theoretical models, with trends to the totality, in which the historian was hostage of the search of the truth. According to Burke: In years 50 and 60, the economic and social historians had been attracted by more or less deterministas models of historical explanation, have they given priority to the economic factors, as the marxists, geography, with Braudel, or the movements of the population (as in the case of the call ' ' model malthusiano' ' of social change. (BURKE, 1992, P. 32) These global explanations, for its incapacity to interpret new historical agents, had passed, therefore, to be questioned. This renewal of the concept also allowed to the renewal of research objects and the valuation of subjects had as secondary until then for the historiografia, when making possible the dialogue with other areas, before kept out of society in the historical studies. The look of the researcher if became finer, inquiring on the type of source, the place of production, the relations of the producer with wider fields socially consisting. The third generation, from 1969, had concerns transferred of social and economic bases to the mentalities and the daily life, the private life, ' ' superstructure cultural' '.

It is the phase of the abandonment of global history and the incorporation of the spalling. Studies of the habits, customs, beliefs, rituals, as well as of the love, the sex, the marriage, the magic, the religion, the death. Subjects as: the history of the Fear, Young, Power, Sexuality, Religiosidade, Structures, Women, Feeding, Book, Myth, among others. Or still, as salient Peter Burke (1992, P. 25), ' ' already it was suggested that when the historians had started to make new types of question on the past, to choose new objects of research, they had had that to search new types sources, suplemental the documents oficiais' '.

Vicente Francisco

Consequently, the capacity of estigmatizar the other diminishes or until if it inverts, when a group leaves to be in conditions to keep its monopoly of the main sources of being able existing in a society and to exclude from the participation in these sources other interdependent groups? old outsiders. So soon they diminish the disparidades of force or, in other words, the inaquality of the balance of being able, the old groups outsiders, in turn, they tend to retaliate. They appeal the one against-estigmatizao (…) (NORBERT, 2000 apud BRITTO, 2005, P. 44). Some scientific speeches if had propagated with easiness and had been acquitted completely for many, this loaded rhetoric of a latent racial preconception, do not allow in many cases, the arrival in fact to a igualitria society and of historical concretude.

For consequence we do not perceive the valuation of the afro-descendants, a contradictory fact in the history of our country, since they are fundamental part of the construction of the national identity, social, religious and cultural of our nation. 4. Consideraes Final Is necessary to believe that problematic the racial one that was lived by the black Vicente Francisco of the Espirito Santo, if it does not restrict in fact, to an exception. The racism cases, that are crimes, must be divulged, be denounced and the culprits duly punished, not being admitted that if they transform into rule of clear exclusion social, as had been to histories of the black citizens that had not had voice and the crime that had suffered one more time, found endorsement in the white and dominant society.

Sciences Pablo

In 5 years of studies it concludes the EnsinoSecundrio, demonstrates a good performance in the area of the education, where in the mesmocolgio he gains to the 18 years its first job, becoming, in 1941, professorde Portuguese language defending the education as practical of the freedom. Soon apsse to become professor of the Osvaldo College Cross, on account dedicated to aestudos of philosophy and philosophy of the language proper. Following its ideals, form-seBacharel in Right in Recife, but having the directed vocation to lecionar would logoabandonaria the profession, that practically did not arrive to exert, therefore its paixopela education (DREIRE, 1985, p.8 lead) to defend it thesis for the Cadeirade History and Philosophy of the Education in the School of Beautiful Arts of Pernambuco, teseessa that it would be its first book. In 1947, with only 26 anosele was nominated managing of the Department of Education and Culture of the SESI, entirely ondeentrou in contact with the alfabetizao of adults, participating deum intense work of formation of circles of dialogues between epais professors of pupils. In all study that Pablo Freireparticipava on pedagogical theories always drained in experiences deeducao, being that all left of one I continue effort of critical reading darealidade social, in which its experiences would have ' ' to be lived in way auma how much possible so narrow participation in the daily life them educandosdo povo' ' the calls life reading (BRANDO, 2005, P. 63).

Since the first years dedocncia, the professor Pablo relutou in changedding into a professor of room deaula and a searching specialist in academic subjects. In 1961, he was nomeadoprofessor of history and philosophy of the Education of the College of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of the University of Recife. In these times Pablo Freire esua team of educators northeasterns worked in the creation of new sistemade work in the alfabetizao, based in cartilhas and in bringing for the world doadulto, forms of didactic work with children in nothing corresponded sidias of a liberating education, defining its ideiais as idiaisde a human socialism (BRANDO, 2005, P.