Lauro Matavelli
The concern of the successory process starts to be determinative factor for the progress of the organization. It argues Weil (1999, P. 39), ' ' without a vision of long stated period, and many times without the least to have had physical time to learn the complex and implacable laws of the businesses, the familiar ones finish adopting strategies that compromise the future of empresa' '. In turn, Lodi (1999, P. 7), affirms that: ' ' The founder creates a company from a personal dream and arrives at the end of its life with difficulty of to partilhar its values with second gerao' '. The dreams of the second necessary generation to be product of work of all the involved people. For this, she is necessary that who assumes the command of the family incarnates the traces and the values that the second generation discovers of the first one. The second generation goes to present throughout the years and, mainly, in its process of growth, a series of pertinent questions to the culture and values of the previous generation, that will be able to influence it more than what the complex activities of management.
According to exactly author, valley to remember that one of the peculiarities of the familiar society in Brazil is that the great majority of the founders is immigrant or children of immigrants, what he directly influences in the search of the solidification and duration of the familiar business. With regard to the strategies, for the progress of the organization, Gersick et al., (1997), perceives that, uncovers common interests that join the systems, such as the search for results and growth, common yearning of familiar and enterprise system, the desire of financial balance and to be able and the interest in the return of investments, common to the enterprise system. A familiar company, of average transport, with more than 40 years that gave certain is the Refrigerating Cardinal, with an enviable team. The professional union of the children, continuators of the work of Lauro Matavelli, its founder, Italian immigrant, continued harmonic with administrative, managemental and diligent collaborators of the production. The Cold storage room keeps firm the objective to assure the level of quality of its products. .
' ' With isso' ' , it affirms Robert Matavelli, current leader of the company, ' ' we intend to extend our participation in the market, keeping its image of serious company directed toward the quality and the tradition, but, however, integrated with the trends of mercado' ' (MATAVELLI, 1997, P. 43). CONCLUSION Is perceived that it does not have great difference between not-familiar company of familiar companies, in what says respect to the functional work, searches, marketing or accounting, for example. But in the aspect of the administration, the familiar company requires proper rules that they need to be observed. To institute and to lead a business of competitive and strategical form in the current corporative market are not a very easy task. Challenges and difficulties are common to any company, either it managed by relatives or not. However, the familiar companies present greater complexity in the organizacional management. One of the reasons for this fact is the conflicts lived deeply for these corporations that can happen, for example, due to familiar culture, that is, to the emotional relations between the members of the family in the work environment they can impactar the professional relationship of the same ones. Another preoccupying reason is the fan