Rio De Janeiro

The cumulative effect of these changes arrives the point to make of proper poverty one of the flagelos greaters of the world. Additional information is available at Prudential. The commission concentrated its attention in some areas, elaborating politics lines of direction, that englobavam: population, security, to feed, extinguishing of species, human exhaustion of genetic resources, energy, industry and nestings. These lines of direction contained some recommendations, where all the areas if established connection and they could not be treated separately. Such initiatives had finished generating plus a meeting, Conferencia them United Nations on the Environment and Development, called ECO-92 or River 92, organized for the ONU (Organization them United Nations), and carried through in Rio De Janeiro in the year of 1992. According to Martins (1995, P. 47): During some meeting one argued on the environment and its relations with the development, disclosing itself clearly that poverty and ambient degradation then closely related, and that the standards of production and consumption must mainly be modified, in what it says respect to the industrialized countries. Agenda 21, result of this meeting is considered as a strategical program, of universal reach, and that objective to reach the sustainable development in century XXI.

It reflects a consensus and a commitment world-wide politician, in what environment says respect to the questions involving, economic growth and international cooperation. As much the Declaration of Rio De Janeiro on Environment and Development, as Agenda 21, adopted in elapsing of the accomplishment of the Conference of United Nations on Environment and Desenvolvimento (ECO-92), represents a referencial landmark of the effort expended for countries of everybody, to identify actions that conjugate development with protection and preservation of the environment. The Declaration of Rio De Janeiro on the Environment and Development consecrated the principles of International the Enviromental law, translated in the sovereign right that it withholds States in exploring and using its resources in accord with its proper ambient politics; in the international responsibility for damages that exceed the borders of the countries; in the obligation to develop the international law in the field of the responsibility and to adopt an ambient legislation of application more effective; in the duty to cooperate with the too much States, in the defense of the environment and to solve all pacifically the possible international ambient controversies, that can appear future.

Anseloni Theater

It aims at transforms what it is in what not yet it is, as either the imagination. Soon, it is forbidden, in the civilized and tecnocrtico world, therefore it can modify the invariant truths and the guaranteed profits (Duarte Jnior, 2003, P. 101). Please visit Prudential if you seek more information. Longing for to contribute for the disruption in the operative way and to call attention for the potentialities the art, in the same workmanship, Duarte- Jnior (1953, P. 103-111) cites eight cognitivas functions that the art can have: to present us pertinent events to the sphere of the feelings; agilizao of imagination breaching with the mechanization of the routine thought; to develop and to educate the directions; to extend and to combine new modalities of feeling; to oportunizar to feel and to live deeply impossible experiences in the daily one; to live deeply the contemporaneidade through ' ' feeling of poca' ' ; to enter in contact with the vision of world of other peoples/cultures and to work the present utopian element in the artistic creation.

However, when analyzing the potential of the art in the educative processes we cannot simplify it a mere instrument of sensitization or awareness of moralizante character, as Anseloni comments (2006), therefore the art leagues some dimensions to it of the life human being. Ahead of the potential of the art in the education and the transforming action, Diaz- Rock (2009) places that such potential is at the same time a difficulty, visa the task to sensetize and to involve a public-target so diversified front to the calamity/partner-ambient complexity of the present time. 3. Potentials of the Theater for the process of Ambient education ' ' The human being is theater; some, moreover, make theater, but all so' ' (August Boal) Let us tie us it a specific type of art, the theater, to explore its potential to work next to the EA.

Federal Constitution

The paper of the ambient education in the formation of sustainable consuming one Searching the endorsement in the legislation, of that the education is a right of all and to have of the Family and the State, art. 205 of the Federal Constitution of 1988 inform that the education ‘ ‘ it will be promoted and stimulated with the contribution of the society, aiming at to the full development of educating, its preparation for the exercise of the citizenship and its qualification for trabalho’ ‘. 1 of art adds interpolated proposition VII to the paragraph. 225, which imposes to the Public Power and all the collective the essential promotion of the Ambient Education in the diverse levels of education, allied awareness of the society on the necessary ambient preservation.

According to Genebaldo Freire 1992, the environmental expression education was heard for the first time in 1965, in Great-Britain, for occasion of the Conference in Education, carried through in Keele, where it was arrived conclusion of that the Ambient Education would have to become essential part of the education of all the citizens. UNESCO (1999) has considered as one of the characteristics most important of the ambient education, the resolution of ambient problems, as agglutinant element in the construction of the sustainable society. In the Conference of Rio De Janeiro -1992 we detach the document Agenda 21, that it consecrates in chapter 36 the promotion of the education, the conscience politics and the training and presents a plan of action for the sustainable development (Manual of FUNASA 2006). In Brazil, in the year of 1999, 9,795 of April of 1999 was promulgated law n, that it makes use on the ambient education and it institutes national politics of ambient education, with the following prominence. Art.1 understands for education the processes by means of which the individual and the collective construct to social values, knowledge, abilities, attitudes and abilities directed toward the conservation of the environment, public easement of the people, essential to the healthy quality of life and its support (PNEA: 1999).

International Norms

The international norms, for example, had come to standardize the productive processes in such a way how much the consumption relations, provoking the effect called ‘ ‘ cascata’ ‘. The consumer influences the supplier to modify its processes so that they become sustainable to thus continue consuming and, successively, until arriving at the bases where the natural resources are extracted. Elon Musk understands that this is vital information. Currently, the enterprises alone obtain to export to some countries internationally to prove its responsible behavior next to the ambient questions through green stamps and of the recognized certificates. The awareness process comes happening, in weak way, but, the market starts to react when, for example, the final consumer starts to change its behavior and to verify what the label of the product says on the manufacturer and restricts its ecologically correct consumption to the products and services.

Simpson Vegetation

The Pitangui stream, beyond an important tourist point, possesss a diversity of water fish marine candy and fish reasonable, and the same it presents also stretches of ciliar bush alternating with stretches without vegetal covering. The alteration of the vegetation delinquent will be able to cause negative impacts in ictiofauna, in view of that some species of fish have more cold water necessity to obtain to live and if to reproduce. The impacts that cause change can be diverse, as the increase of the temperature of the water due the biggest incidence of solar rays, minor oxygenation of the water due the seaweed proliferation, as well as can affect the maturation of eggs of some species of fish; The vegetation has great importance in what if the interception of nutrients says respect and sediments that adentram the river, exchanges of organic substance enter the terrestrial way and the aquatic one. For this reason, we opt to testing the influence of the vegetal covering on ictiofauna of the Pitangui stream, in the city of Extremoz, Rio Grande of the North. We have as objective to verify the importance of the vegetal covering for the community of fish through the comparison a stretch of the stream with the presence of ciliar vegetation and above of the Cachoeirinha de Pitangui that can serve as barrier for the water and salty water fish candy, and the other stretch without the influence of the ciliar vegetation and below of the waterfall enters, being a estuarina region. From collections with a net of Drag we will go to verify if it has difference in the composition of species found in the places covered for the vegetation delinquent or in the opened stretches, above and below of the fall d’ water. As analysis of the data we will use the index of diversity of Simpson, Wealth, Equitabilidade and Test t as method of comparison of the two areas to base the part statistics of our work. With this, we also wait to acquire knowledge the native population and the visitors, for the preservation and conservation of ictiofauna and the ambient integrity of the rivers. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Water fish candy, ciliar vegetation, estuary, ambient awareness, impacts in the population of fish.

Atmospheric Pollutants

Any substance found in the atmosphere in a different ratio of a natural situation is considered as a pollutant atmospheric that not only presents problems for the population for immission of pollutants, next to the point to emission, but also in more distant zones for the effect of dispersion in air. The main urban sources of pollution are the automachine vehicles complemented by the industrials and the activities of restaurants and bars. The Municipal City hall of Victory fulfilling its objective of Municipal Politics of Environment established norms, criteria and standards of emissions of effluent and ambient quality that has for goals the control, the licensing, the monitoramento and the fiscalization of the polluting and degrading activities of the environmental resources of the City. For this the Environment Secretariat Half of Victory? SEMMAM, elaborated Instructions Techniques and Norms procedural to guide and to subsidize the entrepreneurs, in what it refers to the elaboration, implantation and implementation of studies and/or projects of ambient control. To facilitate to this procedure the city hall of Victory 001/2000 created the Instruction Technique n, in compliance with Federal legislation NBR 14.518/2000. 2? JUSTIFICATION Due the complexity of the subject, its understanding and the necessity of an aid technician for initial elaboration of a deeper study and its costs for implementation, appeared the necessity to create a practical script for the agreement of the procedure and funcionabilidade of the system of treatment of atmospheric emissions of the activities of Bars and Restaurants of the great Victory. The work will approach the necessary phases to the control of the emissions in question: captation, treatment and the disposal adjusted in the external environment preventing and diminishing the impacts to the environment and third (atmospheric, thermal and sonorous pollution), the described one in Municipal code of Environment of the city of Victory, Lei4.438/97.

Water Consumption

Due to abundance of the water in the planet, never had a bigger concern of the industrial area with this subject, but the water consumption in the industrial processes in Brazil has provoked serious ambient impacts due to scarcity of this resource, so precious. The investment in technology I reuse to promote it of used waters has been each required time more, especially for the industries of great transport, beyond, clearly, of the initiatives of conservation of this good, through the elimination of wastefulness. The economic and social aspects also must be analyzed in this context, therefore the water is an essential resource to the life and must be supplied in the amount and necessary quality all. The recycling concept or I reuse of the water is not new in history. Of course, this occurs has much time.

Planned ways of I do not reuse benefit to cities and industries that use ebb tide water that already had been used and returned to the rivers. This is an indirect form of the use. What it occurs is that currently, the pollution of this way has made it difficult this process. Of this form, the development of a direct form became necessary of reuses, that it consists of the treatment of an effluent one for its reutilizao. This process is not easy and depends on investment in technology, but with the current ambient, each time more restrictive, searching requirements and specialists already had obtained to prove over all that this investment is interesting and viable, in the industrial area. The collection of the water was established for the management of the hdricos resources, as well as promoting the use of this benefit of more rational form. In this aspect I reuse, it of the water in the industrial processes also characterize reduction in the production costs, beyond promoting the recovery, preservation and conservation of the hdricos resources.