Antifreeze Liquid

Every car owner hopes his car will serve him faithfully for a long time. As proven practice one hopes not, and without regular inspection and replacement of oil and other vitally important for your car Liquids simply can not do. Vosnovnom we pay vnimanielish quality oil in the engine and tried from time to time, depending on the number of kilometers to replace him, but on the other, not so important for We believe we are liquids, for some reason zapamyatyvaem. Therefore not surprising that Russian drivers are very fast way to make new car in an old and ugly. Allows for a fresh look at the need for cars of that or any other liquid arrival of frosts. Here, for example, non-freezing windshield fluid. In the summer most of us do not pay attention to her level, not to mention the concentration.

If you even look at tank, it's usually an examination to fill the ends of the tank for windshield fluid tap water from the tap. Therefore, there is nothing , when the arrival of frost, pushing the handle windshield, hoping to see a stream of washer fluid, we answer only to hear unpleasant gurgling supply pump windshield fluid. You can guess the cause of this problem is the low concentration of windshield fluid. Therefore, if you Summer arrived this way given above, I recommend not to risk – the old should be drained, you can use it next summer and a new fill. Save at the same time and dilute the concentrated washer with distilled water to a greater proportion than recommended by the manufacturer does not recommend – for liquid saving on repairing and replacing sediment spend more. Otherwise, since the beginning of the first frost your pump washer fluid one goes down, as well as when the movement of more than 60 km / h in a tank washer fluid, even at zero temperature will immediately freeze the glass car. I would like to draw your Consider the following – manufacturers washer fluid on the canister usually indicate the lowest temperature, ie night. When printed on the package temperature washer fluid is beginning to move in crystal-like state, that is freezing. When the air temperature by 5-10 above mentioned figures windshield fluid takes gelled. For this reason, if the air temperature in cold weather is not falls below the minus 20 degrees, should be designed for temperatures of 10-15 degrees below normal, that is, -30-35 C.

Freight Cars

However, due to the limited mode of operation of most enterprises, such transport can not perform at night, traffic congestion leads to a substantial violation of route optimization of freight cars. In addition, such trucks need more space for maneuvering, turning, turning, etc. To perform these maneuvers, they have to deviate from the requirements of the SDA, to hold while turning a few rows, if not for a few minutes of maneuvering to block the entire roadway part. Due to the fact that most car drivers slightly familiar with the technicalities of maneuvers heavy vehicles, often occurring emergency situations that turn into accidents. Small accident involving a truck, especially oversized Bolshegruza and the car can lead to serious gridlock many hours. Construction, transport and logistics companies, and with them and the private truckers suffer substantial losses.

This is a compelling source of traffic and social tensions in society. Now first of all need to think about the construction and vneshnegorodskih domestic interchanges, which should reduce the minimum distance from Moscow to the main objects of the appointment: "shopping centers, supermarkets and so forth." At the same time build a road so that it was a major, and passed directly to a destination, avoiding at the same residential areas and other industrial facilities to ADB, as we have already seen that such roads can not physically provide the necessary admission, and at the same time will be saved ecology of the residential area. To fill data gaps associated with the technical side to ensure safe and smooth traffic is necessary to show the influence state represented by a special body to ensure road safety.

Drive Peugeot

Today I'm just going to Armand – peugeot "look a novelty, because recently told me that the test drive will be offered not less than two weeks, but on the phone told the manager that already can ride than the truth, I was surprised and delighted. Quickly packed up and moved into the cabin, the benefit of very close. Arrived, took shape, sit in the car. I note that "Armand" is the second salon in my memory, where the manager does not show the route, passing through it myself first, and immediately sit down and drive safely, the instructor only tells where to turn. Adjust the mirrors and steering wheel, incidentally noting the visibility and quality of the cabin. Pleasantly pleased with lumbar support and a very high quality soft plastics torpedo.

Level quality, but visibility is lame. No windshield above all praise, all seen in the vertical high-hanging signs, etc., but the legacy as peugeot far forward struts between the front and rear doors make lean forward at the corners. But it's all right, all the small things, this pales before the talent engine. Leaving the road I literally pressed the gas pedal a bit and got ready for a smooth, measured acceleration. No such luck was. Steering wheel tight steering wheel made it clear that you are not here and answering the pressing machine roared and confidently, impudent accelerated. Log in to turn on the speed once again made it clear that this is not a family and urban stool.

Twowheel Motorcycles

But come autumn, the weather still does not prevent travel on motorcycles and scooters. This is evident by the fact the number of motorcycles and scooters, which appear on the roads. Five years ago their number was significantly lower in the city streets. The popularity of motorcycles is growing every year and does not pass, and five minutes to the field of view is not caught someone who chose this two-wheeled form of transport. Who are the modern drivers, and why they chose a bike or scooter as a vehicle? Recently portrait who rides a motorcycle or scooter, has undergone great changes. Previously, it was a lot of enthusiasts in love with motorcycles, and romance road, but now thanks to the growth of wealth, fashion trends and just needed to sit the motorcycle both students and very successful people.

Young people, students and schoolchildren, they saw a scooter rather cheap vehicle that lets you quickly move and not be limited by public transport. Many people, moreover, between the ages of 20 to 65 years refuse to use a car and prefer to bike or scooter, because in this way you can quickly and without traffic jams to get to work. Transport problems, forcing many to think that you can use a more convenient form of transport. Such people are becoming more and more. Constant traffic jams cause overruns gasoline in cars, he can reach 20 or 30 liters per 100 kilometers. The motorcycle also consumes 8 or 10 times smaller.