According to it, the materiality of the industrial thought played as the plain one what it was more concrete, that is, the contextual possibilities of the narrative. The source of which if it fed the narrator disappears and with it existence of all a collective experience of learning, substituted for manuals and procedures, that are cold entities the foreigners, in the direction to be distant of our contribution. The quick development of the technology and the predominance technique front to the individual make with that the life conditions move vertiginously of a generation to the other. In this way, we have an unsurmountable abyss between them, therefore what it was lived by the parents and grandmothers already it does not say respect to the pragmatic demands lived by children and grandsons. The controversy between the calls is seen today generations Y, Z etc. Alone tends to get worse. In the advanced capitalism of the one after-modernismo, not even the landscape if preserves.
All dumb one and without acknowledgment, what it leaves in them without immersed referenciais and in the vertigo of the systems, where what it passed does not have plus no importance, therefore are messages in the bottle, that tell echoes of a distant world. Therefore, to narrow bows to the people is a crucial activity and notadamente offline! The leader it must show to its condition human being, who offers a friendly interface to the interlocutor. A history never presents only one face, but innumerable, that this only seems that does not interest the ones that withhold people its command. Stranger! Leaders would have to be great accountants of histories, exactly because histories are real things for hear who them. Numbers, spread sheets, graphs and ladainhas of the type ' ' we must achieve our goals' ' or ' ' we need locating in them in mercado' ' , they are extremely annoying and previsible.
Histories, in contrast, obtain to reach and to involve the people, offering more than a goal, but yes, the real direction to justify the effort in reaching it. I tired to hear in my professional life, celebrates it phrase: It makes this! When it asked the reach of the line of direction, which the importance of what he was asked for, received in return a face from landscape or one furibundo: You are not wanting to collaborate? If you never lead a team, if she forgets that the people not they follow goals, follow ideas. They search to understand, not only the task mechanics that is presented, but the intention of the work to be made e? mainly? which the level of this my contribution. If you want to awake the interest of the people whom she leads, you show to them its importance to it in the process, not only ' ' passinhos' ' of the process. The people are touched by the intuition, want to say, they not only congregate the knowledge or the attribution, but the past, gift and future in an immediate boarding of what them the attention is requested. She learns to count interesting histories and you always she will have led compromised. Luis Sergio Heddle is Palestrante, Consultant and Corporative Educator. Doutorando in Philosophy, Master in Ethics and Specialist in Strategical Management of Teams. More than 65,000 professionals already had been in its courses in all Brazil. Author of Books: The Invisible Professional and Human factor.