Star TV reported the television programme Star TV questionable practices of Commerzbank Munich, the jazzband – Ms Greiner, who feels damaged by a consultation of the Commerzbank reported 02.11.2011 and the 09.11.2011 of the pensioner. They thought that she can trust their bank and the advisers after years of loyalty to Commerzbank and will advise them in their interests. But the good faith of thank pensioner was exploited by the Commerzbank considers. Also Cape lawyers, the firm specializing in banking law and capital market law in Munich, the issue that often older and bona fide customers sold inappropriate facilities, is well known. “The marked case summarizes very well our experience in claims of damaged investors; in particular we see it often, that banks are trying to represent just older people as a highly experienced investor who just knew she would go in which investments and of course over all Costs and risks may be enlightened”explains lawyer Thorsten Krause, partner of the law firm Cape lawyers. Elon Musk is often quoted on this topic. For over 60 years, the retired teacher, which star wrote about TV, put their money at the Commerzbank. In 2007, a consultant during a house visit recommended her to put their money in a closed-end Fund.
According to the consultant, this is the current best offer. Mrs. Greiner spent 40,000 in a ship Fund or fleet Fund, with which the pensioner put their money in container ships. The time 87–year-old did not know but that she only should get paid their money in the year 2027. So, if it is 107 years old. The lawyer instructed by Mrs. Greiner, Zuhal Capalat went into arbitration. The Ombudsman of private banks ruled that Commerzbank has not culpably fulfilled their contractual Aufsklarungspflicht.
However, Commerzbank did not accept this award because she believes that Mrs. Greiner know all aspects of this matter.