Solidary Economy

The emancipation of the human being in the work autogestionado In an opposing direction to the principles of the Solidary Economy, the capitalist society, according to Marx, alienates the worker of the product of its work; it places it as competing of those with who allotment interests and, in consequence, it alienates it of its pairs; while the agriculturist immediately perceives the direction of its work (to extract of the nature its ways of subsistence), the worker of the industry is dispossessed of the direction of its work; at last, the division of the work delouses the worker of its proper humanity. The work ‘ ‘ it alienates of the man its proper body, but also the external nature, its mental life and its life humana’ ‘. The work goes losing all the appearance of personal manifestation and only through the appropriation of a totality of production instruments, or of productive forces, it is that the man can reach the personal manifestation, or either, through the overcoming of the alienation, the onilateral formation in such a way of the limits how much of the universality of the appropriate instruments of production for the worker, through the creation of the potentialities human beings for the proper man, in the work. The educative processes in the interior of the organizations of autogestionria production that point a change in the production-formation of human beings, of workers are several. The Solidary Popular Economy opens possibilities for the construction of new social relations and work, that can result in a new culture of work, in new subjetividades. ‘ ‘ Being the workers ‘ ‘ patres’ ‘ of itself same, the work can gain possibility to give a quality jump? quality in its relation with the community, as well as in what it says respect to the proper process of trabalho’ ‘. (It read V.