When answering the desired option the interviewed ones had been inquired still in the same question the reason of the decision taking. With this question one became possible to recognize professional pretensions and the reasons had taken that them to such decision. option of the formal empregabilidade was answered, with 41,3% of the preferences, followed to return to the property, with 29,35% and to continue the studies, also with 29,35% of the preferences. The pupils who long for a formal job, had attributed the most varied reasons for this preference, if detaching the reason of the familiar property to be very small not to have space for the aggregation of workmanship hand, with 21%. This reason if confirms when verifying the numbers of the question that brought the answers in relation to the size of the country properties, where the majority of them is small, that is, they possess less than one hundred hectares. It still has the aggravating one of the predominance of the exploration of commodities, eighty percent of the properties of the interviewed ones explores only the culture of annual cultures or has in this activity the main source income. It is an activity characterized for the little necessity of workmanship hand, generates a restricted income only e, making impracticable the return of the formed pupil the familiar property. To face these difficulties with a bigger level of professional preparation on the part of the pupils if verify the necessity to tie with intensity the education of the administration in the course technician in farming, to provide a more including vision of the agricultural businesses and to assist the professionals to visualize the chances that the country property can provide. The world of the businesses is each more complex time, is not enough to only know to produce with quality, if it makes necessary professionally to manage the processes of production and management in way to get the maximum economic return of the activities.