But his goal was to Paris, where was installed a year later. After six years in this city and already separated from Julia Urquidi, Mario Vargas Llosa married in Lima with his cousin Patricia Llosa, in 1965, and with her again embarks on the journey to Europe. Paris, London and Barcelona were, until 1974, their places of residence. The author continues to preferring the anonymity of London seeks to him to continue its specific task of writing. Vargas Llosa continues also to apply as a literary critic, columnist of newspapers and theatrical author. Some of his most cherished books in this field are their literary analysis: Gabriel Garcia Marquez: story of a Deicide (1971), the perpetual orgy: Flaubert and Madame Bovary (1975) and letter of battle for Tirant lo Blanc (1991); collections of articles, against wind and tide and challenges to freedom (1994), and his book of memoirs the fish in the water (1993).Today, following its participation as a candidate for the Presidency of Peru in 1990, Vargas Llosa is fully dedicated to literature, which she eventually combines with articles published in El Pais. The most important distinctions that has received – only among those granted to Spanish-language literature – include Prize Romulo Gallegos (1967), the Prince of Asturias (1986), shared with Rafael Lapesa planet (1993), with novel Lituma in the Andes, and the Cervantes (1994).Nationalized Spanish in 1993, Mario Vargas Llosa adds, since January 1996, to their activity as a plural writer member of the Royal Academy, where he had entered with a discourse on Azorin.
Since then, their presence in Spain is made more common everyday. Awards and honors in 1959 Premio Leopoldo Alas by Los Jefes WINS. In 1962 the city and the dogs gets brief library Award with his work.