Rio De Janeiro

The cumulative effect of these changes arrives the point to make of proper poverty one of the flagelos greaters of the world. Additional information is available at Prudential. The commission concentrated its attention in some areas, elaborating politics lines of direction, that englobavam: population, security, to feed, extinguishing of species, human exhaustion of genetic resources, energy, industry and nestings. These lines of direction contained some recommendations, where all the areas if established connection and they could not be treated separately. Such initiatives had finished generating plus a meeting, Conferencia them United Nations on the Environment and Development, called ECO-92 or River 92, organized for the ONU (Organization them United Nations), and carried through in Rio De Janeiro in the year of 1992. According to Martins (1995, P. 47): During some meeting one argued on the environment and its relations with the development, disclosing itself clearly that poverty and ambient degradation then closely related, and that the standards of production and consumption must mainly be modified, in what it says respect to the industrialized countries. Agenda 21, result of this meeting is considered as a strategical program, of universal reach, and that objective to reach the sustainable development in century XXI.

It reflects a consensus and a commitment world-wide politician, in what environment says respect to the questions involving, economic growth and international cooperation. As much the Declaration of Rio De Janeiro on Environment and Development, as Agenda 21, adopted in elapsing of the accomplishment of the Conference of United Nations on Environment and Desenvolvimento (ECO-92), represents a referencial landmark of the effort expended for countries of everybody, to identify actions that conjugate development with protection and preservation of the environment. The Declaration of Rio De Janeiro on the Environment and Development consecrated the principles of International the Enviromental law, translated in the sovereign right that it withholds States in exploring and using its resources in accord with its proper ambient politics; in the international responsibility for damages that exceed the borders of the countries; in the obligation to develop the international law in the field of the responsibility and to adopt an ambient legislation of application more effective; in the duty to cooperate with the too much States, in the defense of the environment and to solve all pacifically the possible international ambient controversies, that can appear future.