
A AIDS would be the first on illness to the conditions had, nor less for being infectious, therefore the tuberculosis also it is. The HIV/AIDS in the truth does not lead to the appearance of the opportunist illnesses, but the weakness because of the pathology allied to the co-factors that lead to the weakness or rupture of the material defenses that lead to the weakness against infections. 1.2.0) Tuberculosis – clinical References Can be acute or chronic, and in general it involves the pulmes (caves). However it can reach all the parts of the body, including itself the lymphatic kidneys, bones, and ganglia. These bacteria produce injuries granulomatosas, take the caseificao.

The presence of the tuberculosis does not only occur in patients with HIV/AIDS, therefore before any thing the presence of the bacillus of Koch, transmitted for the respiratory ways is necessary, but this to develop must the organism make possible the organic weakness, that in general way must it incorrect habits of life, as qualitatively poor feeding, depressive lack of exercises, sun and outdoors, states and fatigue 1.2.1 etc.) Definition fine Rods, generally to the pairs or in small groups, of extremities, for times, dilatadas and presenting for times, true difficult ramifications of corar, due to the lipdicos constituent, but a time corados resists the action of acid ones (acid-resistant not esporulados, but resistant the excicao not capsulados, aerbicos, of very slow proliferation). They present a composed cellular wall of acid miclico. 1.2.2) Morphologic characteristics Are fine, straight or slightly arched bacilli of 2,5 -3,5 X 0,3 micrometers, with the rounded off, well formed extremities, or for dilatadas times and if it differentiates of other bacteria for the presence of the amount and types of complex lipdios that present in the wall. They present rod form, with the rounded off extremities, bending, slightly acid-resistant body. About 60% of the weight of the wall it is because of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis must acid the greasy ones, they are called acid miclicos, they in accordance with vary the size of the chain that contains de70 frequent the 80 carbon atoms waxes (acid esters of greasy).