The reconfiguration of papers goes to have as effect to compensate the disadvantage of the woman in participating in the work market but also it will go to allow the men to participate in the familiar life. A true emancipation of the women will depend on will politics on the part of the State taking for itself the tasks that have to see with the reproduction of the work force, guaranteeing the installation of public services of quality as day-care centers, schools, lavandarias, restaurants, confections, what it will allow that men and women in such a way expend time of quality in the public sphere how much in the domestic sphere. The new Law of Work, of August of 2007, is a law that can be considered progressive by the care in incorporating necessities of women and diligent men, presenting igualitrias politics where if it makes necessary (wage politics) and politics you specify (Cases of illness, pregnancy, abortion, etc). But also it can be an example of as still we are influenced by the patriarcal model, characterized for presenting a vision of the world based on the masculine experience. An example can be found in articles 11 and 12 that it has the merit to establish some conditions special that concur for not discrimination of the women in the period of pregnancy and after childbirth. Article 11 looks for to assure that it does not have reduction of the remuneration, takings leave of or no attempted against form of against the pregnant person. The normeia article the 12 that licenses of maternity and fixed paternity sixty days consecutive of license for the mothers, who can be enjoyed 20 days before the probable date of the childbirth. For the parents, point 5 of article 12 says the following one: The father has right to a license for paternity of one day, of two in two years, that must be enjoyed in the day immediately to follow to the birth of the son.