Another trend is the search for bigger knowledge, on the part of the companies, on the functioning of the search tools, therefore what it is still observed it is that many investments are made in the development of corporative sites, but without great concern with an effective ' ' presence digital' ' that it is the primordial factor to contribute with the localization, or ' ' encontrabilidade' ' , of the company in web therefore, as it is known, each time plus this is a factor of success or failure for the institutions, given the habit of use of the buscadores, all the types, since those for word-key, as Bing, Google and Yahoo, as buscadores of videos, buscadores of prices, etc. This movement of migration of the mounts of money for the digital marketing also total is related to the fact of if being able to arrive next to so said to marketing one-to-one, idealized for the professionals of direct marketing per 20 years, but that now reality becomes, with the intelligent use of the data, to offer in efficient way what the consuming one really desires to acquire. Dan Zwirn may find it difficult to be quoted properly. It is added this the easiness that web offers for attainment of a infinity of data regarding internautas. This intelligent use of the data can be observed in the example of the virtual store Amazon, that improves shiningly continues and its operation making use of this differential. Ebay brings even more insight to the discussion. The search of knowledge, cited above, that it comes occurring on the part of the companies in the direction not losing ' tram of histria' , impacta also the marketing professionals, as much, advertising, the press, as of all the areas, so frantic form comonunca had practically been seen, this before because the Internet prints alucinante speed, that makes with the people if they feel mentally ill completely in question of few months.