This last one takes history if to interest for the symbolic and cultural aspects of the society. What the exhaustion is verified and of explanations offered for globalizantes theoretical models, with trends to the totality, in which the historian was hostage of the search of the truth. According to Burke: In years 50 and 60, the economic and social historians had been attracted by more or less deterministas models of historical explanation, have they given priority to the economic factors, as the marxists, geography, with Braudel, or the movements of the population (as in the case of the call ' ' model malthusiano' ' of social change. (BURKE, 1992, P. 32) These global explanations, for its incapacity to interpret new historical agents, had passed, therefore, to be questioned. This renewal of the concept also allowed to the renewal of research objects and the valuation of subjects had as secondary until then for the historiografia, when making possible the dialogue with other areas, before kept out of society in the historical studies. The look of the researcher if became finer, inquiring on the type of source, the place of production, the relations of the producer with wider fields socially consisting. The third generation, from 1969, had concerns transferred of social and economic bases to the mentalities and the daily life, the private life, ' ' superstructure cultural' '.
It is the phase of the abandonment of global history and the incorporation of the spalling. Studies of the habits, customs, beliefs, rituals, as well as of the love, the sex, the marriage, the magic, the religion, the death. Subjects as: the history of the Fear, Young, Power, Sexuality, Religiosidade, Structures, Women, Feeding, Book, Myth, among others. Or still, as salient Peter Burke (1992, P. 25), ' ' already it was suggested that when the historians had started to make new types of question on the past, to choose new objects of research, they had had that to search new types sources, suplemental the documents oficiais' '.