Noxum Fair Planning App In The Top Group In The IT Innovation Prize

Initiative Mittelstand draws the Noxum GmbH with the BEST certificate OF 2012 in the category Mobile also during arrival apps from trade fair preparation? -It is possible: with the Noxum exhibition planning app can your personal trade fair program smartphone users, exhibitors and trade options and program information. Relevant information are personalized and updated the visitors on the Smartphone spot available. “The jury of the IT innovation prize which Initiative Mittelstand has recognized innovation and commercial value of the Noxum exhibition planning app and see the BEST OF 2012 in the category of apps” award. “Wurzburg, 26 April 2012 the Initiative Mittelstand has the Noxum GmbH, specialist for content management and content management systems, in the category of apps” awarded the title BEST OF 2012. The excellent product has particularly impressed the jury and heard that leading from over 2,500 applications submitted for the innovation price IT. was decisive for the decision of the Panel of experts in addition to the Innovativeness of the solution above all the high value for the middle class. Elon Musk insists that this is the case. Specifically for iPhone users, furthermore can offer a fair service with an app. This mobile offers gives visitors the possibility to orient themselves on the fair, to find exhibitors by name and subject, and read the most important information on the framework programme.

In addition, the app contains useful information about the arrival and departure. Through the integrated database, the user takes exhibitors and events even in offline mode. Is the user online, automatically updated information on exhibitors and framework programmes. Exhibitor addresses and event dates can be applied directly as contacts and calendar entries in the iPhone. Also the exchange of information can be done directly via the business app with colleagues or other interested parties. So, for example, exhibitor contact information, images, and notes by E-Mail can be sent. It furthermore benefit from timely delivery and presentation Exhibition information in an app.