In many villages of the Choco, and especially in its rural regions, there is a belief, nearly blind and widespread, various male and female anthropomorphic myths. Who has not heard talk of the Madremonte, for example, the Patasola, the Madreagua and the widow; the Mohan, la Llorona, the wandering Jew, the black dog, Anima Sola, lent Mule and the Tunda or leg of grinder. Some myths are evil and vindictive; others, chanceros and playful. A few simply scared; others, are up to cannibalistic; Some are harmless, and others, although they produce fright, awaken compassion. For us, the myths not only they are told reality if not a vivid reality that, in one or another form, belong to our folklore, that have penetrated hard on the soul of the people and form part of that inventory of things called know Popular.
In a Word, the myths are collective folklore facts, because they are common to a conglomerate that enjoys them and transmitted from generation to generation. Behold the great role of oral tradition as a way effective support and maintain individual and collective memory of the past. Admittedly in our farmer that ingenuity and that verbal virtuosity to transmit ideas and thoughts. Their natural auditoriums, characterized by spontaneity of their tertulios, remain almost absorbed up to gnosis, by that magic of knowledge count and transmit beliefs and things that sprout from his emotional background, expressed through a special set of images and symbols that captivate the attention of listeners, moves in time and space and makes them protagonists of fantastic and gruesome tragedies. This is just natural to understand that if we take into account who transmit or recounts has to create a conducive environment in the receiver, used with skill, fantasy, the sensitivity and the feeling and get involved in the same narrative or story, through the power of the word so that your message got to fullness with vital energy.