They were laborers or administrators, the actions and reactions human beings were not more the same ones waited in the Fordiano system. CONSTRUCTION OF the TOYOTA MODEL OF INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION In 1950, was created an ideal productive environment for the full performance of this new man, when Toyota constructed the plant of Montomachi, installed in Koromo, rebaptized as Toyota City. Adjusted modern and, the new plant used 70 a thousand, of about 300 a thousand inhabitants of now the city of Toyota. The production turned around an automobile to each four minutes, all with name in English. In Montomachi, the Toyota system could be perceived in its fullness. Trucks unloaded containers with parts and components and loaded the empty containers in return to the suppliers so that at the certain moment, they were returned. The shed of the plant was similar to an environment of expositions, educative bands and motivacionais they hung from the ceiling and in one passarela, the visitors could contemplate the diverse components, being lead and placed gradually in the vehicles, that passed for diverse areas of assembly until its conclusion. Each vehicle was mounted in agreement particular specifications and the laborers received special attention in the assembly line, some using informal clothes and acting as if they were the owners of the place, due to so great familiarity acquired in the system.
For Toyota, its laborers would not have to be special people, but only normal human beings, aspect that must be detached. The people, for Toyota, are parts of an organism, not parts of a machine. Toyota propositalmente allowed that observing Japanese and foreigners had access to its lines and plants, to some of them the service of its competitors. Insurance on its methods, the industry always disclosed its secrets, in special that moving to the continuous comment and accompaniment of the productive processes, constant transformation and improvements.