The origin of its investigation was its curiosity to understand as through the communication and of the language changes in the behavior of the people took place. Object of its investigation they were successful people like: familiar therapist, Virginia Satir, the father of the modern medical hipnologa Milton Erickson and the creator of gestalt Fritz Perls. In addition they had great influence theoretical of Gregory Bateson. Bandler and Grinder had reached the conclusion that these teachers of the change had common certain models of interaction that applied the majority of the times of unconscious way. They left from the principles of which the structures on which they are based the works of effective therapists can be discovered and, once included, they are possible to be reproduced and to be taught. The set of the patrons who modeled and their intellectual influences gave rise to the PNL. It is possible to indicate in addition, that at moments at which the communication has been located in center of the global preoccupation, the PNL I occupy quickly a strategic place between the disciplines that allow the individuals to optimize the resources.
Originally conceived for the therapeutic processes, the results that followed one another in extraordinary form obtained that use would extend that border. Doctors, psychologists, educators, far-reaching professionals of different areas and companies, apply the PNL at the moment, as much for the individual development as for the optimization of each human group. in organizational means the manager can use them in the market area in order to increase its sales since he could develop advertising campaigns that always arrive at the population taking into account the most effective channel to make arrive the message that is desired to transmit. The PNL has be of excellent importance within the organizational scope, since it improves the creativity and it allows a dynamic climate, of learning to bear the conflicts that day to day appears to us because by the condition human beings appear diversity of thoughts and conducts, we must learn to interrelacinanos with our fellow workers, in addition it helps to find the channels us to make the communication more effective and to improve the enterprise climate. All manager must worry no to only acquire knowledge office staff, but also to develop its abilities, skills, to know its strengths, to integrate themselves with its equipment, to deal with respect, self-esteem, assertiveness to its personnel.
and to handle its leadership efficiently. Definitively, PNL explains the process of learning of a process in a series of stages through which it passes the individual that learns. They are four: Unconscious incompetence (it is not known what is a car and, much less, to lead it). Conscious incompetence (momen Doctor in education; masters in administration of companies: quality and productivity; educacinIngeniero – administrator; Lawyer. Educational holder and investigator of postgraduate UC.