However, this scene alone will be modified from the Movement of Reconceituao, when the professional takes as the object to breach with this alienation fights, searching a critical formation and politics, when reformulating its bases theoretician-metodolgicas. However the Movement of Reconceituao of the Social Service was an intention of rupture with the Marxist tradition, that it aimed at systemize the Curricular line of direction in the professional formation of the Social Assistant in Brazil, revising the Code of Ethics and to formulate the Project Ethical politician of the profession. The paper is concluded that the Social Assistant has that to play she is to formulate action and strategies that answer with agility and quality the demands imposed for the profession. The practical professional alone finds objective when the social assistant if subsidizes for the critical theory and if she leans over on an ample fan of subject as the programs, projects implantation of social politics etc. Therefore the Social Service has that to develop research and action on the Brazilian population where the majority does not participate of benefits and programs. It is necessary to investigate the bilges of the society, demanding a politics form that tries to brighten up the social phenomena.
2,1 SOCIAL MATTER AND SOCIAL SERVICE the social matter has its origin since the end of century XIX, where the capitalist world marked the period with the growth of the unemployment, of the problematic crisis of the economy aggravating the social ones, giving origin to the expressions of the social matter demanding its confrontation. As Cerqueira Son (1982: 21) affirms: ' ' question social' ' , in the universal direction of the term, we want to mean the set of problems politicians, social and economic who the sprouting of the laboring classroom imposed in the world in the course of the capitalist incorporation. Thus, ' ' question social' ' basically it is tied with the conflict between the capital and the work.