E thus, of the effect of God if can demonstrate that God exists. Although, if it cannot have by means of them a perfect knowledge of the essence of it. ‘ ‘ (REALE, P. 246) Toms proves the existence of God for five ways, the first one demonstrates God as Motor Property, second as First Cause, third as To be Necessary, the fourth as Supreme Well biggest degree of Perfection, fifth as Providencial Intelligence. God exists and can be proven for five ways: First he saw, of the Immovable Engine or saw of the movement Everything what he moves yourself is moved is moved by something or for another one and that, therefore, not to finish in an infinite return that nothing would explain, is necessary to admit a Primum Movens (the First Engine or Immovable Engine), that he is not moved by nothing: To this we say that he is God. Second way, of Cause First or saw of causalidade efficient No thing can to be cause of itself same, this is very probable, being thus deduces that a First and not-caused Cause must exist, that produces and it is not produced, that it is cause, but is not caused.
‘ ‘ Therefore, she is necessary to admit a first efficient cause, that all call Deus’ ‘. Third way, of the Necessary Being or saw of the contingency Leaving of the beginning of that what can not be, a time did not exist. If, therefore, all the things can not be (they are contingent), at any given time nothing it existed in the reality. However, if this will be true, also now would not exist nothing, unless some thing of necessarily existing exists. Therefore, nor everything can be contingent, but she is necessary that it has something necessary, to this we call Being Necessary: God. Fourth way, of Sumo or saw Well of the perfection degrees Is fact that in the things if finds the good, the true one, the nobleman and other perfeies in bigger or lesser degree. This bigger or lesser degree if attributes for the approach of what it is had with good or utmost absolute of the perfection degree. Of this empirical constatao if it deduces that an utmost perfection exists, from the perfeies, exists something that is absolutely perfect of which the beings participate, without this is informing, because it is source of everything what in some way it exists.
‘ ‘ Therefore, it has something that stops all the beings is cause of the being, the goodness, and any perfection. this we call Deus’ ‘. Fifth way, of the Supreme Collator or it saw of the finalismo Is perceivable that some things lack of knowledge, as the natural bodies, act in function of an end. These reach its end for a predisposition. This implies an intelligent and finalizante cause. ‘ ‘ Therefore, some intelligent being exists, from which all the natural things are commanded for an end: to this being we call Deus’ ‘.