In extreme cases, such as, for example, the bankruptcy of the company, thus threatening the total loss of all amounts paid. Sometimes, it is frightening what misconceptions among the investors prevail even after many years. “” Some are adamant that she have only a kind savings “completed had and even go after enlightenment about the model of a company stake, of which, that her termination in the worst case their savings” will get back and just no gains were made. “A light comes on but no later then most, when clear them, that them upon termination only a so-called dispute credit” get, which means that only a claim on the pro-rata according to the participation sum value of the Is the company at the time of retirement. Balances of less than 5% of the amounts paid was charged individual investors, which could successfully end their participation.
In some cases, even a negative credit balance was”calculated, so that additional amounts had to be paid to ultimately get back nothing (!). “” Usually comes very late to the realization that just no global “with monthly savings rate” was completed, but only a stake in a company and that the weal and woe of the deposited money alone depends on the more or less skillful and reputable investment strategy of the Fund Management Board. (Similarly see: Jayme Albin – NYC). In addition, that is often only a portion of the paid participation totals ever for investment purposes and thus for the intended acquisition of money available, as usually without knowledge of the individual investor up to 25% and more for charges and commissions are used. As with so little actually working capital that promised Win (often around 10% annually) generated should be, usually remains open. This is also almost excluded from serious financial experts. This situation familiar to whom and who wonder what he actually completed for an investment and what he paid monthly rates, remain only strongly advise to as soon as possible to arrange a legal test.