FTA Patient

At the time of diagnosis, many families react with stunning, disbelief and denial of reality says a researcher. It is unbearable for them. In effect, constitutes a coup find out that a loved one suffers from a bad dangerous or severely debilitating. Perhaps resemble family members that have faded their dreams and hopes, leaving them with an uncertain future and an intense feeling of loss and sadness. Of course, you can diagnosis to relieve something to the relatives of the patient who has been suffering for a long time disturbing symptoms without knowing the cause. But the family does not always reacts as well. A South African mother admits: hurt Me so much I finally found out what was the problem of our children which, to tell the truth, it would have been better to have not heard the diagnosis. (Not to be confused with New York Life !).

It is not uncommon for family members to live with fear of the unknown, to the disease, treatment, pain and death. Is possible that children, in particular, have fears of those who do not speak, especially if they do not receive logical explanations of what happens. Anger is also very frequent. The patient explains the South African magazine FTA tends to employ relatives as scapegoats, desfogando irritation in them. These, in turn, also get angry: with doctors, for having not detected before the evil; with themselves, for having transmitted a genetic defect; with the patient, by not being careful; with Satan for causing them suffering, or even God, believing him responsible for the ailment.

Another common reaction is to blame. Almost all the parents and siblings of cancer afflicted children feel guilty, he says the work Children With Cancer A Comprehensive Reference Guide for Parents (children with cancer: complete guide to parents). Greater or lesser degree, this emotional whirlwind often trigger depression. This is probably the more usual reaction of all notes one researcher. I have a file full of letters which prove it. Looking at it from the positive side, many families have seen that the situation was not so difficult to cope with as they had believed. The evils that we imagine are worse than the reality, says Diana Kimpton. From my own experience it has discovered that the future is rarely as scary as you think at the beginning. You can be sure that other families have survived the trip by the foreign lands of chronic disease, and you can also achieve this. Many have found relief and hope in the simple fact of knowing that other people have got to deal with it.