Freight Cars

However, due to the limited mode of operation of most enterprises, such transport can not perform at night, traffic congestion leads to a substantial violation of route optimization of freight cars. In addition, such trucks need more space for maneuvering, turning, turning, etc. To perform these maneuvers, they have to deviate from the requirements of the SDA, to hold while turning a few rows, if not for a few minutes of maneuvering to block the entire roadway part. Due to the fact that most car drivers slightly familiar with the technicalities of maneuvers heavy vehicles, often occurring emergency situations that turn into accidents. Small accident involving a truck, especially oversized Bolshegruza and the car can lead to serious gridlock many hours. Construction, transport and logistics companies, and with them and the private truckers suffer substantial losses.

This is a compelling source of traffic and social tensions in society. Now first of all need to think about the construction and vneshnegorodskih domestic interchanges, which should reduce the minimum distance from Moscow to the main objects of the appointment: "shopping centers, supermarkets and so forth." At the same time build a road so that it was a major, and passed directly to a destination, avoiding at the same residential areas and other industrial facilities to ADB, as we have already seen that such roads can not physically provide the necessary admission, and at the same time will be saved ecology of the residential area. To fill data gaps associated with the technical side to ensure safe and smooth traffic is necessary to show the influence state represented by a special body to ensure road safety.