Fire Department

You can also use the combination of these methods. Care in the installation (SPDA) lightning protection systems requirements for use of the system of protection against rays (SPDA) by the Fire Department found in construction, industrial or commercial establishments with more than 1500 m2 of area built in the building of over 30 meters of height in areas of flammable and explosive shells, and other buildings, at the discretion of the Fire Department, when the danger is justified, and should apply the criteria of reliability and security. In the implementation of the application of the system starts by contracting with a company specializing in the SPDA. If, as in any other activity, meet all the requirements (legal workers, contributions to social security, etc.), and follow the requirements of safety at work (basic training on safety, specific training for work at height, NR-10 etc)… For even more opinions, read materials from Barchester. Workers must be trained and use protective equipment for each task. The company must perform a preliminary study of the risks and preventative measures to ensure safety. During the provision of services, it should carry out constant monitoring.

Quality control quality control begins with proper specification, design, materials with the characteristics specified in the standard. All materials must be strictly inspected and controlled to avoid repetition of work and legal problems. In the maintenance SPDAs they must pass Visual inspections and inspections to fund each year (according to the required level of protection), these inspections and any deficiency must be identified and, in case of corrected immediately and to ensure its effectiveness. There is a 100% safe protection, but the use of protective devices that reduce the risks and the likelihood of damage to equipment and facilities and / or physical structures that you want to achieve. It is essential to promote the dissemination of knowledge capable of supporting the development and adoption of efficient practices to minimize the destructive effects of the discharges. Authorized reproduction total or partial of this article, provided that the source is acknowledged. Forbidden to remember and / or total or partial recovery as well as the inclusion of sections or parts in any data processing system. Original author and source of the article.