No criterion of election of the families, or benefited children does not exist, and this finishes generating ' ' injustias' ' , therefore many times, the ones that more they need finish being of are. In the case of the programs directed toward schools, also we perceive problems: the PDDE, for example, is a resource that depends on the learning index to be pled. The school that not to present the goals demanded for the MEC is of is and this finishes generating one ' ' corrida' ' exaggerated for pupils and one politics of ' ' to approve for aprovar' ' , without if worrying about the minimum requirements for the formation of a citizen conscientious and capable to face the problems that the world globalizado presents in them. The politics of the results in time record finishes generating problems that go since the competition between colleagues, until the approval of pupils unprepared, incapable to make a simple literal interpretation, for example. With regard to the programs directed to the digital age, as the PROINFO, or the program of laboratories for the schools, what we see is that also they do not function as they would have. In my school, for example, we have a laboratory and, although few professors to use, when this happens the computers does not function, or the INTERNET are slow this finishes generating discomforts for pupils and professors in general way. On merenda, what we see is an inadequate feeding, as the media comes denouncing, does not take care of to the nutricionais necessities of the pupils.
The pertaining to school transport, many times is not efficient, many finishes leaving to lead the pupils because the roads do not give access. ' is a problem; ' puxando' ' another one and in the end the wronged ones are the pupils and the population as a whole. As we can perceive, even so educational the public politics have increased, as already I mentioned, not yet are enough and nor so little they take care of to the real necessities of the pertaining to school community. In my opinion, what it lacks is the real commitment of the managers with an education of quality in all the spheres of being able. She is necessary that the society has waked up and covered this, because an education of quality is the base a society to progress. She is necessary that the managers perceive that they have that to gestar exactly in favor of the collective and not in favor of itself or of its ' ' seguidores' '! *Artigo presented the professor of disciplines Topics in Education III of the course of after graduation in Education in the Federal University of Great Campina? Cuit fields ** Teacher of history of the municipal net of the cities of Picu and Cuit