Thus, to possess a housing represents the dimension of the power, and its planning implies the attempt to establish a programmed daily life. In such a way, it is excellent to understand the paper of the urban politics, that has in the attendance or not of the demand an instrument important politician for the accomplishment of the social functions of the city, that is the Statute of the Cities. 2. STATUTE OF the CITY AND ITS FUNCTIONS the Statute of the City is the Federal Law of number 10,257 of 10 of July of 2001, that it has as objective prescribed the instruments of urban politics, where the same ones must be applied by the Union, State and Cities, which of the general orientaes for the planning and the development of the cities, having as lines of direction the right the land, house, transport, attendance of the public service, work and even though leisure, that is, consequently guarantees well-being and quality of life to its inhabitants and the right to the housing. The Statute of the City is based on art.
182, that she deals with the Politics of urban development, executed for the public power and art.183, person in charge for the constitution to define what she means to fulfill the social function of the city and the urban property. The Statute is divided in five chapters: The General Lines of direction, (chapter I articles 1 3), have as objective to guarantee the support right-hander as the right to the urban land, the housing, the ambient sanitation, the urban infrastructure, the transport and the leisure. The Instruments of Urban Politics (chapter II, articles 4 the 38), are related to the existing instruments already and with effective application and others that are new, as for example, the managing plan, discipline of the parcelamento, the use and the occupation of the ground, zoning ambient, plain plurianual, participativa budgetary management, budgetary lines of direction and annual budget, etc. .