Federal Constitution

When making a reflection on the laws that conduct the education, the only conclusion where if it can arrive is that they are accumulated of utopian rights folloied by an interpolated proposition that always becomes the obligatoriness of the State with the Education ' ' relative to ' '. In other words, leaving always gaps so that not the fulfilment of the rights the constitutionally unconstitutional education. When mentioning ' ' bread and circo' ' impossible not to send to the Public Politics of Financing the Education, as for example, Fundef and Fundeb, and the Program Stock market Family who nothing more is of what right that already they are guaranteed by offered the Federal Constitution the population being of as programs politician-partisans who deviate the focus of the quality of the education for the capital value that it can provide. Of this form, the right the education mentioning for the constitution, loses the focus of the quality and starts to contemplate amount. PUBLIC POLITICS In a historical briefing, the decade of 90 was conducted by programs of character reformist politician and distribution of resources for the education. From the Decennial Plan of Education, document elaborated in 1993 for the Ministry of the considered Education ' ' a set of lines of direction politics come back toward the recovery of the basic school in pas' ' (MENEZES, 2010) prayer that: ' ' the commitments that the Brazilian government assumes, to guarantee the satisfaction of the basic necessities of education of its people, are expressed in the Decennial Plan of Education for All, whose ampler objective is to assure, until year 2003, the children, young and adults, minimum contents of learning that take care of to the elementary necessities of the life contempornea' ' (MENEZES, 2010). In accordance with Tomassi, Ward and Haddad (2000) the direction of the politics social, it stops beyond its true intentions or of its marketing, it can be interpreted in three main ways that are: ' ' To give continuity to the process of human development. . .