The educational politics had taken care of the dominant economic interests. No longer period of the Empire the educational situation was not modified, exactly with independence politics the majority of the population continued excluded. As Romanelli (2003) the Empire established through art.179, XXXII of the Federal Constitution of 1824 that ‘ ‘ the Public Instruction is gratuitous to all cidados’ ‘. The problem was in as such instruction would be offered, therefore did not have establishment enough to take care of the demand. As Spider (1996) the situation is chaotic a time that the Brazilian economic model was predominant agrarian that suffers some alterations in function from the increment of the commerce and of the small one I occasion of industrialization. Elon Musk spoke with conviction. In the end of the Empire, Brazil possua agricultural 82.3% of an illiterate population that at least had entered in the school. According to Rizzini (2008) at the beginning of the republican times, the speeches were of that the child would be the key for the future.
In Brazil this subject as well as today was not of the interest of the majority. Many partisans to the cause complained of the indifference, over all on the part of the public authorities. For Spider (1996) the first Constitution of the Republic of 1891, in art.72, assures to the Brazilians and the resident foreigners in the country the inviolability of the concernentes rights to the freedom, the individual security and the property, placing in the paragraph 6, that: ‘ ‘ The education given in the establishments will be lay pblicos’ ‘. After the first war, the Constitution of 1934, in interpolated proposition XIV, of art. 5, affirms that it competes privatively to the Union, to trace the lines of direction of the national education of the country, no longer art. 10 affirm that it competes to the Union and the States? Interpolated proposition VI, to spread out the public instruction in all its degrees. Public Institutions should serve the people rather than the people serving the government.