As it is said daily, the first impression is what counts and in the case of commercial products it is not the exception. The labels play a main role in the process of conviction of the client, since besides transmitting information on it identifies this one it and it distinguishes of the competition through images or impressive phrases. At the moment, the etiquetadoras machines have been evolving to adapt to the needs of the clients, since nowadays a great variety of designs is used, materials, forms and colors in the labels, according to are the type of product and turnpike that takes the same. The type of would scheme to use depends on the labels to place. For example, the automatic etiquetadoras machines and the semiautomatic ones exist; he is preferable to use first in packaging of high speed, without constant alterations and that follows a same line of procedure, whereas second small labels are recommended when the lines are short or. Briefly, the labelling process is related to the process of turnpike and covered, since of certain it forms the design of all of them goes related, since they transmit message through lines, forms and colors.