Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection

The average percentage of successfully completed cycles of in vitro fertilization (IVF) to calculate the challenge. The probability of pregnancy after IVF depends primarily on the diagnosis of the pair. Of course, of great importance optimality of the designated course of infertility treatment and the professionalism of doctors clinic IVF. The average successful IVF programs is approximately 35-40%. There are several effective methods to improve the chances of success of IVF recommended Reproduction. Recently Under Armour sought to clarify these questions.

Replanting of blastocysts. To date, most physicians are inclined to believe that a blastocyst (5-6-day embryo) is the optimal form for the transfer of the embryo. In the treatment of Infertility means auxiliary reproductive technologies (ART), the frequency of successful implantation of the blastocyst in the uterus is 50% in the three-day embryos – 25%. More importantly, on a three-day stage of its own embryo gene is inactive, the embryo develops from an egg. Thus, if there are deviations in the genome – to stop embryo development after transfer into the uterus. When replanting the blastocyst, this "block of" embryo overcome in vitro, thereby increasing the likelihood of successful develop in the mother. Observations on Reproduction in the case of replanting blastocysts ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage and pregnancy occur stilled much less frequently.

However, not all IVF clinics can offer a pair of transfer blastocysts. To implement such a transfer is needed "strong" embryology, the presence of special environments for special catheters and blastocysts for transfer. ICSI. This method is shown in cases where the reduced fertilizing capacity of sperm. ICSI (ICSI-Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection) is translated as "the introduction of sperm into the cytoplasm of the oocyte." Embryologists under a microscope choose the best sperm from ejaculate, and using a special needle is introduced into the cytoplasm of the egg. After ICSI, the success rate of embryo development from fertilized egg is about 70-80%. Laser hatching. 6-7 day embryo development attached to the uterine wall. To ensure that this process is successful, the embryo must first "hatch" out of his shell. In the case where the shell is too thick or the fetus is not enough enzyme to its cleavage pregnancy does not occur. It is noticed that the more a woman's age, the thicker and denser than the shell of the embryo, resulting in a lower probability of hatching of the embryo and its attachment to the uterine wall. To facilitate this process and increase the probability of pregnancy, the auxiliary hatching. In modern clinics for IVF hetchinga laser beams that are thinner shell, causing a slight exemption from the embryo. Today's IVF clinics consider factors influencing replanting blastocysts and laser hatching on pregnancy after IVF. Thus, to increase the likelihood of successful IVF treatment infertility but provides direct IVF features such as ICSI, embryo growth to the blastocyst stage (5th day of development), the freezing of embryos, the auxiliary laser "etched" on the envelope embryo (hatching), the cycles of the transfer of cryopreserved embryos, respectively, their number and medicines needed to stimulate ovulation. With this set of procedures for the probability of a positive outcome of IVF increases to 75-80%, whereas in normal artificial insemination pregnancy occurs only in 35-40% of cases.