In developing the corporate identity to build brand spent no small resources, both labor and financial. Well, if enough organizations for implementation of similar work. And if we are talking about a small but very ambitious business, which is haunted by the glory of the giant corporations? This – and not-so-rare – the case will have to pick up a textbook on the psychology of advertising and allowance for working in "Photoshop". to create a brand spent not the small resources such as labor and financial. Well, if enough organizations for implementation of similar work.
And if we are talking about a small but very ambitious business, which is haunted by the glory of the giant corporations? This – and not-so-rare – the case will have to pick up a textbook on the psychology of advertising and allowance for working in "Photoshop". First of all, you should decide that it should reflect the logo. The rules are simple: the picture must stand out, be easy to read and have no more than three colors. When a sketch of the future of the trademark is ready to go time-to-use Photoshop (without his help stop the development of corporate identity). Best entrust it to a professional who can give a flat image is still glossy shine and volume. And after experimenting with the color of an object is placed on preparation and company name. And finally, it's time to add "Effects." First of all, you should decide that it should reflect the logo.
The rules are simple: the picture must stand out, be easy to read and have no more than three colors. When a sketch of the future commercial sign is ready to go time-to-use Photoshop (without his help stop the development of corporate identity). It is best to entrust it to a professional who can give a flat image is still glossy shine and volume. And after experiment with the color of an object is placed on preparation and company name. And finally, it's time to add "special effects". In developing the site should focus on the color scheme design. Web-based resource designed in pleasant, harmonious colors have a greater chance of success of Internet users, than if it was gray and dull, or worse, irritated too aggressive tones. The priority task of a web designer is to find harmonious color combinations. Some colors look perfectly together and complement each other. Others on the contrary one should never combine. The problem is, how do you know what colors will be a winner look for a background, and what is not? In such cases, not to conduct experiments on its own site, it is necessary to explore color harmonies (a combination of a few flowers, arranged in this order). The laws of color harmonies are very relative. When selecting a particular color are important by many factors: subject site (pink tone to fit women's magazine, but they will look ridiculous on the legal web-site), method of delivery information, personal tastes and so on. So before you find the right color scheme have to try all possible combinations. Now, what about the text. If you are building a website the entire text on it will be executed one type, the user will have to suffer badly to read it. That is why the body of accepted split into paragraphs, and all documents are processed in the same style. The concept of "style" includes special items used to format a paragraph.