Concrete Kemmler

Tubingen company 2011 belongs to the one hundred most innovative medium Germany’s only creative businesses succeed with much foresight and sense for new among the one hundred most innovative medium-sized companies of in Germany. 2011 belongs to the Beton Kemmler GmbH “from Tubingen Hirschau to this elite circle. On Thursday night, the company could the hallmark top 100 “accept. None other than the former Prime Minister of Baden-Wurttemberg, Lothar Spath, presented the award during the solemn ceremony in the Ostseebad Warnemunde personally on the business management of the concrete precast plant. Already in the fifth-generation family-owned company makes sure that consistently and continuously optimizes for five years”, praised the jury. While the market leader for garages and prefabricated parts opts for continuous improvement according to the Japanese Kaizen principle.

This award makes us”very proud, delighted concrete Kemmler Geschaftsfahrer Martin Hamblin. Wear the company associated with the Tubingen Kemmler group may the seal as a top innovator”now for a year. Creative ideas and a fresh think are for us not only a means to improve efficiency. We are with passion for the thing and want to make a difference. This award shows us that it is worthwhile, if all pull together together”said Hamblin.

Concrete Kemmler is the improvement processes across all production and administrative boundaries initiates and implements together with the employees. In several improvement workshops, concrete Kemmler opens not only in-house innovation potential. We were able to optimise significantly the adherence to delivery dates and parts logistics also already jointly with suppliers”, reported Hamblin. Points can not least with his staff concrete Kemmler. Many are multiple qualified and can therefore operate at different workplaces and work product across. This broad-based transfer of expertise facilitates the Innovation exchange in each team”, said Hamblin. In the past two years the precast plant with its future-oriented new development was kPort”already at the two world competitions prestigious iF product design award” and red dot design awards”successful. 2009 concrete Kemmler has commissioned the largest garage exhibition in Germany. The Vienna University of Economics has for the competition top 100 “for several months the innovation behaviour taken from a total of 272 medium-sized companies in Germany under the magnifying glass. The one hundred winners 2011 bearing the seal of approval, have generated a total turnover of 11.2 billion euros last year and reported 769 national and 1,865 international patents. 48 of the one hundred excellent innovators are the number one in its industry nationally, 19 are even world market leader. 88 percent of the winning companies are the last three 3 years grown faster than the industry average and that average around 16 percent.