At that time, the sky was the limit and nothing else. In a question-answer forum Dalton Caldwell was the first to reply. The acceptance of the Internet offers was very high at that time, especially in America and Scandinavia. Central Europe was there much more restrained. That certainly lies in the cultural identity of the individual countries is today but by far not as pronounced as it was then. Now Web services are established Netherlands, France and Germany in the and be used of course. Only in southern European countries such as Italy or Spain, you think also today still conservative. All in all can but say that the numerous websites, including project place, have established themselves in Central Europe and in recognition no longer stand back behind classic software solutions.
That sounds all very positive. But there are still numerous reservations from the Internet. Not only in Germany, the issue of data security plays”an important role. How has this impacted on Projectplace and how do you see the situation today? Pelle Hjortblad: I see two key parameters. First, it is important to create a strong brand that you can trust. When it has reached it, the effect, that people trust the brand, unless they actually know more about it than before. So the security is less important at once.
Also, the close contact to our customers is very important to the face-to-face conversation. The credibility of people who represent a company, also the company itself benefits. Is convinced the customers so if you will automatically by the product if the contact person is appropriately serious. Unfortunately, this logic in the other direction applies, meaning that if companies are active in a market segment that abuse the trust, this impression spreads very quickly to an entire industry. We had to experience the 2000/2001, as the Internet bubble burst. A second important parameter was the aspect of the availability of a system and data security.