Vehicle breakdown on holiday is the last thing we hoped, and yet so something can happen once. How you act right and what you should consider when renting the car already, check out now in the two tips. Have you found a rental car in advance and a comparison appropriate providers, it is advisable to have the car from Germany to book out. In addition to price advantages resulting therefrom are others such as better insurance rates. The Internet offers some information there and on some trip reports portals can now and again looking for more tips on the subject.
Vehicle Check: Before leaving for her first trip tour, you should do first with the rental car companies a vehicle check. If you are not familiar with the car, do not hesitate to ask for the operation of the gear and lighting. Also like the engine hood is opened and the tank. For your own safety, it is important to know in addition that all seat belts are in tact, as well as a hazard warning lights if there is, and especially the brakes function properly. The best way to test them once on site. Although it should be standard, look to see if a warning triangle, a first aid kit and for a possible flat tire, a spare tire and jack are present. Equally important – information on the required fuel and whether the car must be returned with full tank. Of course he should be passed in this case even a full tank. To be absolutely sure that you have to pay later, not for existing damage, it is strongly recommended that you create a list of defects, scratches, sheet metal damage or cracks in the windshield documented. This list should be confirmed by the landlord.