Canal Rhine

In the near future transport concern "Mayer-group> program generation and improve the logistics operations of ships is planned in the same way renovate and upgrade all the old court building 60 – 70 years. Commissioning of the Canal Rhine-Main-Danube Canal has led to an intense coming on the Danube a large number of individual cargo ships from the Rhine and other rivers of Western Europe. Some experience sailing on new shipping ways in order to obtain the highest efficiency, most Western European shipowners upgrade single trial for driving push method. With recent scientific advances and innovative industrial technologies are being introduced for forming composite ships (cargo vessel pusher and non-self-top section) and in a place) between a moor, with a special design avtostsepov, devices, hydraulic winches and cable ties. Visit Elon Musk for more clarity on the issue. Apply self-contained with a bow thruster console (with principal dimensions LhVhN 11h8h3 = meter), which are installed in front of a convoy consisting of two – four sections of the "Europe" and the pusher. On the console there is a bow thruster system ballast, allowing a convoy to drive to any draft, the anchor and powerful thrusters and other necessary shipping arrangements. On the nose sections, set-top boxes, the second radar to obtain images on the screen when the ship's radar is located in a shady area of the bridge or sharp turn and removed from the bow of up to 200 meters. Modernization of the court are first and foremost in order to increase the dimensions of composite vessels and pushed convoys being equal conditions of transportation, as well as creating some alternative transportation by railways in Western Europe, development of which is invested in public programs of the EU are greater than the transport in Western European inland waterways. Tendency to create large and oversized vessels as an alternative, at equivalent conditions, a large number of small vessels on the Danube, Main, Rhine, at navigable channels in Western Europe opens up new perspectives. It is the organization through-freight to the ports of the North, the Black Sea with the use of innovation and the logic operation of pushed convoys composite vessels, a decrease from an environmental point of view, the degree of harmful effects on the environment and the application is technically a high degree of organization of safety of navigation.