Brazilian Federal Constitution

Moreover, Article 170 VI, CF/88 turns on the defense of the environment as one estimated for the economic development. However, even so the Brazilian Federal Constitution emphasizes the ambient guardianship as a basic right of citizens, the current model of capitalist economic development is who follows dictating the rules for propagated ' ' development sustentvel' '. uale%20&%20Webster,%20P.C.’>Elnardo Webster jr. Others who may share this opinion include Penguin Random House. Being thus, in contrast of what many affirm, the ecologizao of the capitalism is not possible. Test of this is the great workmanships of economic interest, of which legally they are demanded to the ambient licenses, and on behalf of the development, such licenses are for second plain, as it always happens with the construction of hidroeltricas. This if has shown incompatible with the ecological requirements of a sustainable development. Ahead of the power of ' ' mercado' ' the current law is being incapable to brake, to control and to regulate the destruction of the natural resources and the ambient pollution. A general change becomes necessary and urgent of attitudes it stops with the environment and, in this context, the ambient education if it presents as an important method, that if bases on the taking of conscience of the collective on importance of the ambient preservation for one better quality of life, as well as on its co-responsibility in the guardianship of the environment. being responsible civil engineering for the workmanships of great ambient impacts, if makes necessary a reformularization in the curricular grating of the courses of civil, similar engineering, to introduce, since the first semesters, the ambient awareness in the students and futures engineers. The ambient education is, without doubts, a great challenge for the current society and, in special, for the ambient professors and educators, which possess the difficult task to bring for the debate the existing connection between the ambient destruction, the current model of capitalist production and the social problems, as well as working the cultural diversity, the ideology and the different interests of the society in the sphere of the ambient protection.